18. Attacked

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Makato fiddled with some roses that stood in front of her shop as a display. She smiled brightly knowing that Usagi had realized she wasn't the only one who lost a few things with the new lifestyle they were forced to go along with. But would Usagi realize that her happiness or anyone's was really taken away. Makato touched the petals gently until a bang came from behind her. The thorns of the rose pricking her hand. She looked up from the bouquet her eyes widening. Blood trailing down her fingers. She stood frozen in place, the blood now reaching her wrist, and flowing down her arm.



"I have happiness." Usagi repeated to herself over, and over from behind the arcades register. The arcade wasn't busy today. Only about 3 people were there. Two guys around 19, and a girl she looked about the age of Kyuusuke. Usagi repeated again, "I have happiness."

Usagi remembered, "You tried everything to protect me, you've made me really... really happy!" Kyuusuke had told Sailor Moon. She made him happy... But will she be able to gain the happiness she's lost, and be as happy as he was? Usagi watched as people came, and left the arcade. The girl exited the arcade after a quick play of the Sailor V game. Minutes later a plead for help was heard. Usagi transformed as she exited the arcade. Sailor Moon ran down the streets trying to ketch up to the purple haired girl. The monster kept chasing the teen until she lost her footing.

"Moon Healing Escalation!" The guardian screamed while Tuxedo Mask quickly grabbed the girl before she fell. Sailor Moon rushed over after dealing with the monster.

Sailor Moon patted the girls head, "You're alright now." She said comfortingly. Sailor Moon looked up at Tuxedo Mask while the purple haired girl was busy crying. She smiled at him thankfully before she turned her attention back to the crying girl. She sobbed quietly in Sailor Moons arms.

"I-I'm-so sorry!" She managed to say; tears still piling.

"Shhh it's alright." Tuxedo Mask watched as Sailor Moon tried to calm down the girl. She was so compassionate, and kind. He quickly came back to reality, and disappeared from the area realizing that she had it covered.


"I'm working hard at the shrine, Grandpa." Rei smiled, "and I've made some interesting friends too." She placed her hand on his grave stone. The grandfathers name marked on the hardness placed above his corpse. "I'm really happy, even though it's hard without you." Kotono, Reis friend from high school, laid a hand on Reis shoulder sympathetically. Suddenly a monster grabbed the silver haired friend.

"R-Rei!" The girl screamed as the women beast hopped onto of a grave. About to jump into a tree.

"What the hell?" Rei quickly transformed, and attacked the monster. But the monster hit her making her stumble. Sailor Mars looked at her friends as she struggled.

"Let go of me!" She wiggled in its arms, squeaking in pain as the monster was crushing her.

"Hands off ugly!" Sailor Mars attacked the monster, it letting go of Kotono her falling towards the ground.

"Rei!" Sailor Mars jumped, and caught her friend.

"I've got you, Kotono!" She assured while looking at the infuriated monster. The monster sneered. Sailor Mars smirked laying her friend down. Flames bursted from her palms.

"R-Rei..." The girl stuttered in pain.

"You think you'll get away with this? Unlikely." The fire in Mar's hands grew devouring the monster.


Ami began writing down some medicine names for a patient that had been there for a while now. She smiled down at the paper after she finished. She put the paper in an envelope, once again happy to help someone who was sick. She got up from her desk, placed the envelope away in a drawer, and quickly went into a hospital room where a patient was sat up looking out the window. He began coughing.

"Kyuusuke, would you like some water?" She questioned, and he shook his head.

"I'm fine." He said softly watching the sky shine. Ami smiled as she filled the water, and quietly say it next to his hospital bed. Ami left quickly her watch glowing.

"What's wrong Ami?" Asked Luna who jumped onto Ami's shoulder.

"Usagi is calling me... And so is Rei, and so is..."


"Are you Usagi Tsukino? Do you know who Usagi Tsukino is?" The stranger asked in a whisper tightly holding the brunette tightly making sure she couldn't escape.

"Let go of me you bastard!" Makoto cursed. The stranger coughed as Makoto elbowed them, but they didn't let go.

"If you tell me where Usagi Tsukino is, this'll get easier."

"Who wants to know who Usagi Tsukino is?" Makoto questioned while she struggled.

"Me that's who." The person responded.

"Who's me?" Makoto snapped. There was a silence. The stranger was getting mildly irritated. But finally signed, and replied loosening her grip.

"My name," The stranger sighed, "is Haruka Tenou. I'm Sailor Uranus."

"Makoto?!" The three screamed. Makoto looked at her friends who came running up to her. Suddenly the stranger, Haruka Tenou, was gone.

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