24. Love-Me

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Usagi groaned kicking, and squirming, but unable to move. Everyone rushed to open the door, piling as they all exited at the same time. Usagi groaned with pain. Mamoru stood weakly, as Helios, and the Three rushed up behind him. Usagi felt two small hands grab her harshly. Surprisingly hard. She squeaked as the hands tightened around her neck.

"Usagi!" Screamed Rei. Usagi pulled at the hands as everyone quickly transformed. The being suffocating Usagi stared at them.

"Stop," She ordered, "Or I'll kill her, here, and now." Everyone stopped, holding their pens defensively.

"Venus Love-Me Chain!" A glowing Chain roped around the attacker around the leg, and pulled her down towards the earth. Usagi grunted the being not letting go. Sailor Venus stood holding the chain with fury in her eyes.

"We've got a feisty one. But didn't I say to stand still." The attacker said emotionlessly.

"Let her go. Sailor Saturn." Sailor Venus demanded. The girl, Sailor Saturn let her go, her falling to the ground motionless. Sailor Saturn stood in front of her though protectively.

"I am known as Mistress 9. But I am truly on your side. You see your enemy had swallowed me into the darkness along with them. They ordered me here to kill this women." She explained.

"Don't do it!" Sailor Ceres screamed.

"I will not though. I apologize for my outburst, I was only trying to come off as evil so that the enemies would send me." She told truthfully. Everyone nodded, but still on defense. Sailor Saturn gripped her silence glaive, and knelt down beside Usagi. Her transformation disappeared, and she returned to her true form. Along with Venus, who returned in her hospital gown. Mamoru hurried to Usagi, and lifted her up carefully with sorrowful eyes.

Ami hurried toward her, "Stay with us Usagi! I'll try all my might to take care you!" She chanted checking Usagi's pulse.

"JESUS STOP YELLING IN MY EAR AMI!" Usagi yelled, "I'm fine, God, now I have a headache."


"You are finally awake Minako." Artemis smiled happily to see his friend finally come back to reality.

"I apologize for them putting you in that state, i would have helped but I had to fit in, in order to gain their information." She told truthfully, and apologetically.

"Even though you tried to kill me, you're still adorable," Usagi commented with a pout, "but next time I'll beat the shit out of you so."

Hotaru sweatdropped, but explained, "About that... Sorry if I hurt you. I was just trying to convince the enemy since they were watching me."

Chibiusa chimed in with a smile, "Glad you've joined our forces." Everyone nodded in enthusiasm. Usagi laid back again Mars bed tiredly. She hadn't slept well, she'd just been attacked, and the day was just beginning. The sun rose, and Usagi closed her eyes with irritation, but soon fell deep into sleep. Everyone giggled as they heard her cute quiet snores.

"Looks like it didn't take her long." Makoto sighed with a smile.

"To be completely honest I want to join her." Yawned Seiya.

"Then it's settled we're sleeping in." VesVes jumped into bed, and instructed. Mamoru watched as everyone laid down where they were, to exhausted to even find a pillow. Usagi head tilted, and laid onto Mamorus shoulder. He couldn't help to fall asleep too. Maybe even with a smile. The only one who stayed awake was Minako.

"Am I the only one who's not tired." Minako sweat dropped.

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