36. Alone

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"Dammit..." Maker cussed. The enemies were surrounded by them, but the enemies minions had surrounded them.

"We'd sure need Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Moon right about now..." Sailor Juno sighed.

"Keep your stances!" Mars screamed.

"Don't let your guard down!" Pluto yelled.

"We can do this." Fighter whispered.

"This is for Tellu." Eudial snickered. The enemies surrounding them attacked all together. They hit some of the senshi, but the team kept their stand. They tried to avoid contact to the few that have fallen. Uranus gulped as she saw Neptune fall. Fighters jaw tightened at the sight of Makers fall. Sailor Ceres's lip quivered as she saw all her sisters fall. Kakyuu saw as Chibi Chibi laid lifelessly.

"A-Attack!" Venus cried out, and everyone took in a deep breath.

"This is for m-my sisters!" Ceres balled as she attacked The Amazon Trio.

"Mercury Bubbles!" Mercury hit Zoicite with tearful eyes.

"I'm sorry... Nephrite." Jupiter attacked. Al, and Ann fell. Along with the remaining Shitennou who perished. Saturn killed off Kaolinite who took a big blow to Staurns stomach. Blood streamed down her legs before she fell face first to the ground with horrified eyes.

"Dead Scream!" Pluto exclaimed blowing out The Black Moon Clan.

"Galactica Crunch!" Yelled Sailor Iron Mouse, Kakyuu getting hit along Fighter but still... they attacked as well through the spine ripping pain.

"WORLD SHAKING!" Uranus screamed as she watched everyone fall around her as long with herself; the attack blowing the rest of them. Blood flooded the floors mixing with the enemies, and the senshi.


Mamo examined Usagi. She covered herself with the sheets though they were thin. No sign of the final stage. The was pissed for sure, but nothing extremely horrible happened. He teared up as he embraced her tighter when a sudden shake accrued. Usagi held onto Mamoru tightly hearing the screams of her enemies, and friends. The room shook like an earthquake, and explosions entered their ears; it went silent. Usagi gulped as she held onto Mamorus shirt.

"I'm g-gonna be so late to work tomorrow..." Her voice cracked.

"I'm gonna have to fight them." Mamoru said as a tuxedo replaced his armor.

"No Mamo... Not without me." She stated standing up covering herself with the sheets. Her hair long, and undone. He looked away because it hurt so much.

"I won't let what happened to us in the past happen to us now. Please..." He told.

"But Mamo! I can!" Her eyes glared with sorrow.

"No, Usagi," His cape flapped as the door flew open, and slammed shut with a lock, "I love you too much."

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