11. Fourth Sailor

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A rush, running so fast that the air felt like it was storming, her hot face, full of fear, trying to see the peaceful safe place of home. Usagi kept at it, trying to find Luna, to find away to escape, but nothing, she was alone, and lost.

"You can't run beautiful," Explained one of the men, "we'll get you, and have our fun."

"J-just leave me alone, stay back!" Usagi tried her best to be brave, but bashfulness; weakness overcame her as fear always would. Three men, the ones at the arcade, snickered as they came closer. One of them, the only one who spoke; the leader perhaps, grasped Usagi forcefully touching up, and down her body leaving trails of goose bumps against her pale skin, "L-Leave me alone, please."

"You are so fragile, and weak it makes me hungrier." He teased. Usagi face plastered with terrier fought back, kicking him in the private spot as hard as she could. Set free she dashed once again, tears filling her version; she becoming blind.

"Usagi?" A fimilar voice said in concern.

"Come along, beautiful, don't hide." Spoke the leader, "You can't hide forever, we'll find you, and you'll regret what you've done." Heavy breathing, grasp so harsh, being pulled so quickly it was mind blowing. Usagi dizzily looked back to see Makato on guard, Luna along side her.


"Take me back." Usagi demanded.

"I can't, and I won't." Answered Mamoru.

"Please, I need to help Makato!" Usagi pleaded, but Mamoru wouldn't break, he moved forward, "I can't leave knowing she might be in trouble!"

"She's fine, Usako, don't worry so-" Usagi fought back, Mamoru mid sentenced. "Usako, Makato can completely take care of this. She's tougher than she acts to be."

"I don't care, I'm going back. I will fight; I will help." Usagi told, "I won't put Makato's life at risk just because of me."

"I'm protecting you from those weirdos, Usako, you can't go. Don't go," Usagi, set free from Mamorus hold, quickly turned, and bolted forward. "Usako!"


"You were trying to mess around with my friend weren't you? Your mistake." Makato growled with anger. She swung a punch at one of the men making him fall backwards, kicking the other in the crotch, and elbowing him in the shoulder blade. The one she punched returned, but she charged at him with two punches to the gut. Two of the men down now the leader to go, but where was he?

"Ow!" Makato struggled as the man; leader grasped her ponytail harshly.

"Moon Prism Power!"

"Hey what the-OWW!" Sailor Moon punched the leader in the jaw. She shook her hand in pain.

"My knuckles... Ow..." Sailor Moon whispered to herself.

"Sailor Moon?!" Makato, and the leader shouted in surprise.

"Yes! It is I, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Moon pointed to the leader, "Are you the one hurting young girls? If so I shall punish you, in the name of the moon!"

"You've go t-the wrong idea there, S-Sailor Moon, ma'am." The leader stuttered, "I was j-just-" Before he could make up an excuse the two men grabbed Sailor Moon harshly pinning her to the ground.

"Oofff... H-Hey, Get off me!" Sailor Moon struggled. Makato, sitting on the ground was now getting frustrated seeing the hero fall before her, the hero who tried to save her, "Makato, run! Get out of here while you can!" Sailor Moon screamed as she tried to fight the men to get off of her.

"S-Sailor Moon..." Makato watched as Sailor Moon kept trying to escape, seeing the joy in the three men's faces, and the concern of the black cat.

"We've got you now, tell us where the legendary Silver Crystal is!" The leader barked as he stood, green scales covering his body, and his two men.

"Give us the princess!" Slime drooled from there mouths as they spoke. Makato covered her mouth seeing the men turn into disgusting lizard like monsters. Guilt seeping into her heart as she watched.

"Run, Makato, fill your customers with love, and happiness before its to late! Go!" Sailor Moon please as she struggled more.

"S-Sailor... Wait... Usagi?"

"Sailor Jupiter!" The black cat meowed to Makato, "You need to help save Sailor Moon so she can defeat the monsters!"

"S-Sailor Jupiter?!"

"Hurry, there's not much time, Makato,!Transform!" As Luna spoke a green light spun around Makato wildly,

"Jupiter Prism Power... Make-Up!" Sailor Moon now exhausted watched in shock as her friend transformed.

"Hey you gross reptile! Get off my friend!" Sailor Jupiter crossed her arms, "Or else." She made scary expression making them let go in fear. Before you knew it Sailor Moon shoot the three of them with her tiara, saving the day once again. Sailor Moon smiled tiredly, and fell backward turning back into Usagi.


"You alright, Usagi?" Asked Makato. Usagi groaned lifting her head to see Makato with Luna in her arms.

"Fine. More importantly, how are you?" She asked with a tired smile.

"I'm great, thanks to you."

"Usagi, here," Luna pawed at a stick that sat in front of Usagi, "This is the Moon Stick, this will help you in battle as leader of the Sailor Senshi."

"The Leader-" Usagi coughed as she saw Mamoru run up to the three of them, her rose in his hand.

"You all alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Wonderful!" Makato answered.

"Fit as a fiddle." Usagi faked laughed.

"M-Meow..." Responded Luna.

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