23. Compatibility

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Usagi gently stroked the black cats back. Luna purred as Usagi sadly looked down at her.

"What's wrong, Usagi." She asked.

"Just had an eventful day, you know." Usagi responded. Luna looked at Usagi sympathetically, and rubbed her face against her leg.

"Things will look up soon." She said, and strode toward Artemis who was grinning happily to find his old friend.

"Oh course they will, I-I mean they are now! I don't have to go to work tomorrow!" Usagi sat out side on the shrines porch laying her head against a pole. She looked at the grass that was swaying. This was the first time she'd seen perfect grass since before she entered the hospital that morning.

"Are you alright?" Asked a guy, he wore a comfortable looking stripped shirt, and sweatpants.

"Oh yeah, Seiya right?" He nodded as a response.

"And you're Sailor Moon, aka Usagi." He smirked proud to have memorized all of the names.

"Yes I am." Usagi giggled warming up a bit.


"You seem irritated, Mamoru." Helios sat down next to him. Mamoru put his finger to his lips signaling Helios to be quiet. Mamoru was listening into Usagi, and Seiya's conversation.

"Isn't that inappropriate..." Helios sweat dropped. Mamoru sighed, and laid back being persuaded to let them have privacy. Even though he wanted to suffocate Seiya.

"I guess your right..." Mamoru groaned.

"I've heard lots of things about you, you're very civilized, not to mention mysterious. Is it true you're neither an ally or an enemy? Is it true you went to America?! Do you really have amnesia?" Helios asked curiously.

Mamoru snorted, "I've had amnesia ever since my parents and I got in a car accident when I was little. I did go to America, but not as long as I planned."

"What about your companionship with everyone??" Helios questioned.

"I've decided, for now, I'm going to be on the team. But when it comes to it, I need to at least see the crystal... I don't know why but I feel like it will trigger a important memory." Mamoru looked at the ceiling.


"You have very pretty eyelashes!" PallaPalla squealed.

"Do I really? I never noticed." Giggled Ami.

"Anyone want some lemonade? Root beer?" Rei called.

"Waters fine!" Responded Yaten as he came running in being chased by Chibi Chibi.

"I love your hair!" Neptune complimented VesVes.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

"What are your thoughts of a technic for the battle?" Asked Kakyuu.

"I have my ideas." Setsuna said.

All the others were getting along well, Usagi's speech working like a charm.


"What you said about why your fighting was really motivating." Seiya told.

"I'm surprised i even said anything. But thank you." Usagi said with a shrug.

"It helped a lot of them though. They were scared, and felt helpless, but you changed it for them. You gave them courage to face their fears to save the people they love."

"Well... I could relate to them. I was scared once, thought my life was falling from under me. But I got back on my feet because I realized I couldn't be weak anymore. I had to take fear in the hand, and pull it with me to the finish line."

"Did you cross that finish line?" Seiya smirked.

Usagi smiled brightly, "Not yet."


"Those three boys are adorable!" Squealed CereCere.

"The Three Lights." Makato melted.

"You know they're actually girls." Artemis told.

"Aren't they pop stars?!" Screamed PallaPalla, "Then they're celebrities! That must mean they're rich!" Everyone sweat dropped.

"We should play a game!" Michiru clapped her hands.

"I say we play spin the bottle." States Haruka.

"We should play strip horse!" JunJun grinned evilly knowing she wouldn't be able to take off a single layer.

"I don't think you understand what the rules to that game are." Ami coughed.

"That's not what I had in mind." Michiru awkwardly smiled.

"Maybe we should play the silent game," Suggested Luna, "We should all get some rest." Everyone nodded trying to calm down.


Usagi didn't sleep well, beside Haruka, and Minako shed toss and turn. Even though she was still scared she knew she was safe, but the whole idea of the world in danger, maybe even the universe was hard to place on her shoulders. She stood up carefully leaving the tight fitted room of girls. She sat where she, and Seiya had talked earlier.

"You too huh?" Mamoru asked sitting down next to her.

"Can't sleep?" Usagi asked. Mamoru nodded. Usagi looked at the night sky, the moon shining down on them.

"Wanna talk about it?" Mamoru questioned.

"Well... What do you think about the war that's happening?" Usagi asked, "Everyone was arguing about how they couldn't win, how they were scared, but... You didn't say anything."

"I think even if we're scared, like you said, we have motivations to fight." Mamoru smiled.

"So you are scared?" Usagi snickered slightly, but nodded understandingly.

"Sure I am. I mean it's like the end of the world. But I have... people I want to save," Mamoru looked at Usagi, her eyes sparkling like the stars, "I'm sorry, Usagi, last time we talked-"

"Don't be," Usagi said, "You mean well. Your opinions, and goals shouldn't change just because you have a new opponent." She laughed. Mamoru smiled at her sweetly.

"About that. I'm not your enemy. What I said before was wrong... I shouldn't have threatened you. I shouldn't have said all those things. I'm going to protect... You... I want to be your ally." Mamoru told seriously. A tint of blush appeared on Usagi's cheeks.

"Mamo..." Usagi looked up in the sky avoiding eye contact when she saw something falling towards them. Alarmed Usagi pushed Mamoru with all her strength, him slipping into the open door of his room. He looked up surprised reaching out to her as she fell back onto the grass. There was an explosion. Purple smoke rising.


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