26. Battles

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The Sailor Stars wheezed with exhaustion.

"We can get through this!" Star Fighter encouraged with a gasp. They were surrounded by Shadow Galactica. Two sets of twin sisters along with five incredibly strong girl were crowded around them. Sailor StarHealer groaned as she stood.

"Star Sensitive Inferno!" She screamed, the two sets of twins fell with parish.

"Nice one, Healer!" Fighter nodded.


"Helios!" Chibi Moon squeaked. Helios stood before her protectively as Koan took a strike. Esmeraude laughed as she attacked Pluto.

"Sailor Chibi Moon! Attack!" Pluto informed.

Sailor Chibi Moon shook her head, "I cannot!" She cried as she saw her beloved fall before her.

"C-Chibi Moon, defeat them, please. I'll be ok!" Helios assured. Sailor Chibi Moon passionately pecked Helios on the cheek.

"Alright." She nodded. Pluto slammed down the Spectre Sisters, knocking them out.

"Dead Scream!" Sailor Pluto chanted. The evil covered their ears with terror. Chibi Moon rose after gently brushing Helios on the head. The prince cursed under his breath as he weakly stood to his feet.

"Sons of bitches..." Prince Demande clenched his fist.


Kaolinite yelled furiously, "Traitor!" At Sailor Saturn who stood silently, and strongly as a statue.

"You good for nothing Cyborg!" Yelled Cyprine and Ptilol in unison. The two sets twins rushed toward Saturn madly.

"Hold it you weevils." Uranus cracked her knuckles with annoyance. She made a fist and began to chant.

"What's your deal thunder thighs?" Tellu snorted as she approached.

"World Shaking!" Everyone collapsed at Uranus's chant.

"You little-" Kaolinite hissed but Neptune stepped in.

"Deep Submerge!" A tidal wave roughly collided with Kaolinite sending her tumbling backward, she tried to keep her balance as droplets fell from her hair.

"I won't loose!" She coughed.

"To bad you're such a pest." Uranus growled.

"Silence Glaive Suprise." Saturn spoke, and Kaolinite fell.

"What a wuss." Uranus chuckled.

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