1. Woman Hood

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Usagi was walking down the side walk, she was going to the arcade to work her shift. Yes, Usagi was 19, out of college, and doing what she loved, gaming. Usagi had no friends, but Naru, and Motoki. But she rarely saw Naru because she was living her perky rich life, and Motoki moved away with his girl friend a month ago. So Usagi was all alone working at Game Center Crown.

Usagi opened the door of the arcade, and sighed. She changed the closed sigh to open, and went to the prizes area/register. She sighed taping her fingers against the glass.

"I'm bored." Usagi said with a whine.

"Nothing to do, no one to hang out with. No one to love. Just sitting in this arcade with annoying kids. Honestly I hate working here!" She sighed as the bells clinched together telling her she had a customer.

"Welcome to-" A man with black hair walked in the door, she blinked twice staring at him. He looked so familiar to her. He was staring at her as well. More people came in which stopped there gaze.

"Excuse me have we met?" The man asked her. She shook her head.

"I don't... Think we have..." He shrugged.

"Do you know we're the library is?" Usagi pointed to the direction it was located, and told him were to go. She smiled proudly remembering were it was, since after, and before work she'd stop by, and read the old sailor V comics.

"Thanks a lot bump head!" Her eyes widened.

"What did you call me?" He snickered to himself.

"Bump. Head." He walked out of the arcade.

"Bump head! BUMP HEAD! It's a... style!" She sighed yelling at the closed door, people stared, but she ignored. She crossed her arms, and waited for her shift to be over with a pout.

Usagi walked to the library after work, and walked to the comics section as always. She grabbed the Sailor V comic, and studied the cover with a smile, Sailor V titled boldly, and Minako Aino small, and cursive under the title. Usagi opened the comic to the first page admiring her childhood memories. Sailor V wasn't as popular as Usagi thought as a young teen. No one really knew about it, and if they did it was rare, but Usagi never noticed. Usagi frowned, the creator only had one comic of the Sailor V comics. It always bugged her why the writer just disappeared after the 1st comic, but at least Usagi could keep reading it over, and over. She looked through the first comic front to back, and placed it gently back on the shelf. She looked up to see the man from before who called her bump head. She stared at him. He looked familiar, but never met him before, not even once. She would've remembered his face. She kept staring even when he looked up. He stared at her, she looked back down at the shelf, and straightened her bent back from placing her comic back were it was originally. She sighed she wanted to read more, but she didn't want to at the same time. She started to walk out of the ile when she noticed the man was walking by her, and she bumped into him.

"Ah!" She gasped falling to the ground, she held her head sitting up.

"Uh... Sir I'm-" He smiled down at her.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to run into you." She stood up, and walked away from him, but he grabbed her sleeve.

"Hey, watch it!" She turned to see him holding on to her sleeve.

"Can you maybe let go?" She said nervously. He stayed silent. She pulled her arm away looking at him for a last second showing him she was frightened, and started walking again. She stepped on the side walk, and rushed home so he couldn't follow her. She screamed when a black cat pounced on her head.

"Hey who, what?!" She looked up to see paws hang off lightly over her eyes. She giggled her fear going away slowly.

"Aw kitty, I'm not a rug!" Usagi gently pulled the cat off her head, and looked at her closely. The black cat had a crescent moon on her forehead which took Usagi to surprise.

"What's that?!" The cat pounced away, and disappeared into the bushes.

"That was... Odd..." Usagi shrugged, and kept walking home as it was getting darker, and darker.

"Weirdest day I've ever had." Usagi looked up at the new night sky, and saw a bright moon shinning over her head.

When she got home it was dark, and cold. It seemed like only yesterday she was with her family at home, but now in a apartment all alone. Usagi dropped her purse to the floor, and dragged her feet tiredly. She groaned crankily. Usagi plopped on her bed, her covers bundling around her. She yawned cutely, and sighed curling up in bed not bothering to change in something comfortable.

"Eeeeck!" A strange screech appeared in the silence of Usagis room. Usagi, alerted, grabbed her pepper spray pointing at the direction of the noise, and turned on the light.

"GET OUT OR I'll CALL... The... police..." Usagi pulled the pepper spray down releasing her tight grip from it.

"Ugh," Usagi sighed plopping back down on her bed, "your the cat from earlier aren't you... The one with the bald spot?" She questioned the cat with a tried smile.

"Yes Usagi I am, and is like to formally thank you for your help with the bandages." Unexpected to get a reply Usagi jumped startled that the cat could speak.

"YOU CAN TALK!" Usagi squeaked her eyes widened.

"Yes, I'm Luna, I was sent here to find our princess, and-" Usagi still couldn't believe her ears, she pulled her pillows, and covered her face, and ears so she couldn't listen to this nonsense.

"Usagi listen to me!" Luna meowed strictly.

"You are Sailor Moon, and you have to help me find the princess quickly! There not much time!" Usagi uncovered the pillows from her face, and raised her eyebrow at Luna.

"I'm to late, and we had a wild setback... We need to begin fighting now, Sailor Moon."

"Sailor moon?" Usagi questioned, "So your saying I have to fight... What now?"

"Monsters from the dark kingdom."

"Monster! MONSTERS!" Usagi hugged her pillow frightened.

"From the dark kingdom..." She gasped.

"Yes, Usagi, now transform so we can-"

"I must be dreaming." Usagi got into bed in a snap.

"Wake up, Usagi!" Luna placed a broach down on Usagis bed with her soft paws.

"That's kind of corny," Usagi said grabbing the broach, and looking at it modeling in her mirror, "but cute."

"Now Sailor Moon. Repeat after me," Usagi raised an eyebrow at Luna, "Moon Prism Power Make Up!"

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