37. Enchantment

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She slammed her self against the door the sheet wrapped like a towel as she banged.

"Mamo! M-Mamo!!" She screamed fidgeting with the handle. She heard the explosions return. She tried to convince herself he would win, but she was to nervous. She got whatever was close to her, and plunged it into the door. Holes formed, and she ripped them with her bare hands. She punched, and kicked till there was an entrance way. She barged through her hands bloody from the work, and now her arms, and legs from the sharp edges of the new entrance she created. But she didn't care. She looked around to see most of her friends dead, but the ones who survived could die at any moment. New faces were also pasted on dead bodies she guessed that those were minions of the enemy. Tuxedo Mask laid down silently in front of the evil figures. She gulped with sorrow seeing she was the only one able to fight now, and she knew she couldn't do it alone she just had to try. She convinced herself that the words Prince Demande told her was all a lie, and stood before Tuxedo Mask.

"U-Usako...!" He spoke with a startled, but pained tone. Usagi being drowned by emotions avoided everyone but her target.

"T-Tell me. Why are you doing this...?" Usagi asked softly. The enemies that surrounded her looked at her with the darkest of eyes.

"Simply because you, and your family ruined our lives." Snapped Queen Nehelenia angrily.

"You have unworthy power." States Pharaoh 90.

"We want to see this planet destroyed as the moon was so long ago." Snow Kaguya tells evilly.

"You made us like this!" Queen Beryl threatened, you could see them red, and burning with anger. Usagi's heart hurt tremendously.

"What we did to all of you... I'm deeply, truly sorry for everything we've done, and I apologize for all the horrible things you've gone through. But bringing pain, and suffering to these innocent people, to gain power for evil, for murder, because you want revenge... Life is something precious, something powerful, and beautiful. Don't throw it all away, don't make it more dreadful. Your life is worth happiness not destruction, and chaos," Usagi held her hand out as her body glowed slightly, "Be my friend..." The enemy glared at the puny girl that tried to convince them of happiness.

"D-Don't fool around!" Galaxia pointed at the girl, "You're full of lies! How should we believe you that there's happiness left for us?!"

"The irony." Chaos snickered as it flowed around Usagi, "You're welcome for everything by the way. The delay in your cats search party. The reason of the moons destruction. It was a pleasure really." She purred.

"Give happiness a chance... Please." Usagi pleaded as her pale skin glowed stronger.

"We will not!" Death Phantom fumed.

"Usako don't..." Tuxedo Mask pleaded knowingly this would end horrifically like before. Usagi took a stomp like step forward as heels sparkling formed onto her foot. Another step, and another shoe appeared on the other. Usagi used her hands to trail the sheets that covered her. The white sheet turning into a beautiful gown. Usagi adjusted her shoulder blades as a wing like bow appeared. She sparkled tremendously, and her skin grew more shinny then before. She cracked her knuckles as rods flickered after the other. First broaches shuffled from hearts to pink circles to gold to stars, then tiaras, pens, then wands, and rods, and vases. Until a weapon appeared in her hands. It was transparent light but appeared the shape of a round stick. It glowed as she did.

"I fight for love, and justice. Peace, and life. With tiaras, sticks, and crystals. Outfits long, and frilly to short, and tight. Being super, eternal, cosmos. Being a princess, a human, a daughter, a mom, a friend, a teammate, a 20 year old, or a queen. No matter if I'm dead or alive or turn out to be. The power of light with all my might, I will fight for you, and for me." Usagi spoke with words that could be golden.

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