21. The Team

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When Sailor Kakyuu, and all the others sent out to inform the teammates that were scattered across Tokyo finished explaining Sailor Moon heard a massive explosion. She grabbed the unconscious sailor, and hurried out of the hospital. Tears stung her eyes as she saw smoke rising all around her.

"W-What's going on!" She screamed at the princess with a crack in her voice.

"The enemy h-has attacked earth already?! But we aren't nearly able to fight back..." The princess held Sailor Chibi Chibi with worry Sailor Moon looked around urging the two new allies to follow.

"M-Mercury, M-Mars, Jupiter!" Sailor Moon coughed. She was terribly weak, and her legs were giving out. She fell to her knees holding onto the sleeping Venus in her arms tightly.

"Are you alright, Sailor Moon!" Called the princess.

"Chibi Chibi!" Sailor Chibi Chibi squealed.

"How could this be happening... Why is this happening to me... Where are my friends..." Sailor Moon whispered sadly.

"Your friends are alright." A women said, she sounded confident, and manly. Sailor Moon looked up to see a boy short blonde haired girl; handsome. She made a fist, and smirked. Suddenly another beautiful girl approached, she wore aquamarine outfit, and curly aquamarine hair. She smiled gesturing for us to look behind her. Sailor Moons friends slowly came up to her. Mar's shut her eye in pain as she held onto her stomach. Blood streamed down one part of her face covering her eye, and cheek, and Jupiter carried Mercury on her back who was extremely wounded. Mercury smiled weakly at her tearful friend. Five more girls followed, they were around junior high school aged like Momoko, and Kyuusuke.

"This is Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune. They lead us here." Mar's told.

"And these five are the Sailor Quartet from the future." Jupiter explained. The five waved, and introduced themselves.

"I am Sailor Kakyuu, and this is Sailor Chibi Chibi." Kakyuu bowed.

"T-This is Sailor Venus." Sailor Moon told with a sniffle, "I'm glad your all safe." Suddenly at those words a mild explosion appeared beside them, and they all hovered over covering their eyes. A crow appeared in front of them.

"I am Sailor Lead Crow." She smirked, "Who'd like to die first." Everyone grunted with anger, not responded to her, "None of you? Alright, then how about I make it easy and kill you all in one blow!" A giant tornado appears and circles around them. "Galactica Tornado!" Suddenly time stopped. Sailor Lead Crow froze, as did her attack. Everyone blinked.

"Damn I'm glad to see you Pluto." Uranus crossed her arms with a handsome smile.

"And to you to Uranus. To all of you." Sailor Pluto approaches with Helios, and Tuxedo Mask. Helios runs up to Sailor Chibi Moon, and she leaps into his arms. Tuxedo Mask stands awkwardly at a distance from the group.

"We must leave at once." States Pluto. Everyone nods.


Pluto unfreezes time, knowingly Sailor Lead Crow is probably dumbfounded right about now. Some were still hit slightly by the attack before Pluto could lessen the damage.

"I'm sorry, I should have came sooner." Pluto sighs.

"It's alright Pluto, Were grateful with what you've done." Says Sailor Neptune who was helping Kakyuu balance herself, and held Chibi Chibi in her arms. Sailor Moon carried Sailor Venus tiredly. She looked around to see more acquaintances that she's know would become her great friends, she smiled through her exhaustion.

"Sailor Moon, are you filled in with everything?" A little girl with pink hair asked her, she smiled.

"Yes, I believe so, Sailor Chibi Moon, " She told. The girl smiled, and turned away looking conflicted. Tuxedo Mask had watched Sailor Moon, and Sailor Chibi Moon, his head began to hurt, and he held it painfully. An explosion erupted a few feet away. Everyone on guard, looked around for an enemy. Suddenly vines darted toward everyone. The vines clung to everyone and flickered. Sailor Chibi Moon screamed as lightning bursted from the vines, electrocuting her, along with everyone else. Sailor Moon escaped before being extremely injured, trying to save Sailor Venus. Jupiter was trying to tear the vines to save herself, and Mercury who she had been carrying, everyone was struggling to be free, crying in pain. Tuxedo Mask escaped breathing heavily. A green haired girl came to view. Telulu. She was laughing until something shot her way, and she screamed. Sailor Moon looked at the girl who fell to the ground with a gust of dirt rising along with a slam.

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