14. Avoid

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Days began to pass by, the senshi always met up at the temple to discuss, and inform anything new. Luna was still at guilt, she had only told the girls that she was there to find the princess, and defeat the enemy, but there was much more to be told.


"We have to tell them now..." Luna informed the game counsel at Game Center Crown.

"I guess we should, since we now know ourselves... But I'm worried about that one guy you spoke about... The mysterious man in a tuxedo. His face covered with a mask..." He responded.

"...He seems like our enemy. I don't trust him." Luna said with an uneasy tone.

"You must tell everything to them, you can't hide the tiniest details. Everything." The low voice from the game instructed.

"I will."

"I'd like to speak to them... As well..."


"Girls we need to-" Luna began, but no one was listening.

"He was a pig." Rei told.

"He was just hungry." Makato protested.

"He was unpleasant, and bothersome." Ami pointed out.

"He ate that whole cake in one gulp." Rei laughed.

"Girls!" Luna caught their attention with a wild yell. Everyone, surprised, looked at her.

"Yes, what is it." They all questioned now in serious, and alert.

"I have to tell you all the tru-"

"I gotta go..." Usagi interrupted quickly standing from her seat with a apologetic smile.

"Usagi, Luna has to tell-" Makato was cut off by Usagi.

"I have work." Usagi responded quickly.

"Look there miss I have to ignore my friends, you are our leader and you-" Rei barked.

"It's my responsibility to do my job at-" Usagi snapped her smile vanishing.

"It's your responsibility for you to be apart of this team-" Rei stood with anger.

"What if I don't wanna be on this team, what if-" Usagi glared at Rei

"You don't have a choice, Usagi-" Rei, and Usagi were cut off from their debate by Luna.

"I remember!" Luna screamed unable to take the childish behavior. She spoke quickly, "I'm here to protect the Legendary Silver Crystal!" The air was silent, and everyone in the room looked confused.

"Legendary what?" Makato questioned.

"Haven't we heard that from somewhere...?" Rei asked cooling down a bit.

"The enemy brought it up before." Ami commented.

"I was sent here long ago to awaken the sailor guardians, find the princess, to defeat the enemy, but most of all to protect the Legendary Silver Crystal." Luna sighed.

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