17. Little Boy

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"I'm glad your ok now." Luna said to Usagi as she peeled her work uniform off, and slipped on her pajamas.

"I'm sorry I made you worry Luna." Usagi said softly with a weary smile. She was still struggling with this new life she had suddenly came to live with.

"I know it's hard, especially for you. But we need you, your very special." Luna told seriously, "You hold us together!" Usagi kicked off her slippers after she roamed around the room. She laid on the bed tiredly, looking at the ceiling with squinted eyes. Suddenly a yell came from outside her window. Usagi quickly looked out the open window seeing a boy around 15 came running down the street. Usagi held onto her broach, and jumped out the window swiftly.

"Usagi!" Luna called after her.


"Your working hard, is the hospital busy around this time?" Makato asked Ami, but before the studying girl could respond both of their watches glowed.


The little boy screamed again, looking behind him to see the monster still chasing after him. Sailor Moon grabbed the boy, and pulled him behind her.

"S-S-" His eyes widened as his cheeks pinked at the sight of her.

"Don't worry, I'm here now." Sailor Moon told the green haired boy, patting the top of his head consolingly. The monster came up to the side of Sailor Moon in a flash, and the child yelled.

"Sailor Moon!" He pointed at the monster, and Sailor Moon moved her head to see the monster. The villain, and hero face to face. Goose spilling out of the mouth of the beast. The monsters fangs sharp, and extremely visible. The monster hit Sailor Moon making her fly, and crash into a few trash cans. The child screamed as the hero was knocked off her feet. But before the monster could hurt the boy Sailor Moon got in front of him. With one pained squinting eye Sailor Moon smiled at the boy.

"You alright?" She questioned the boy with concern. The monster growled about to take another shoot at Sailor Moon before a relieving mist filled the air. The Monster was hit with fire from beside as the three other guardians appeared.

"You begun without us?" Mars smirked. The little boy looked at Sailor Moon with fear as she looked as if she had been badly hit.

"What's your name?" Sailor Moon questioned the boy.

"Kyuusuke Sarashina." He responded with tears in his eyes.

"Kyuusuke, don't worry, Me, and my friends are here to save you." She assured with a weak, but confident smile. The boy smiled. The monster roared standing to its feet angrily. The monster huffed as he flashed back toward Sailor Moon. Surprisingly quicker than before. Then suddenly a whimper. Blood spilled, and splattered about. The Sailor Guardians running over, but compared to the beast it was as if they were in slow motion. Sailor Moon reached out to the boy, but the monster had already stabbed him with his claws. The boy pale hung from the monsters nails like he was just a drooping flower about to fall. Sailor Moon stared at the boy trembling. Tears filled her eyes as the air fell silent. The mist faded slowly making the lamp posts suddenly spotlight the scene. Sailor Moons face filled with woe. Her heart heavy, and her knees weakened, and shook as she stood from her squatting potion that once protected the young boy, Akio. A sob came from her mouth seeing the blood drip from the small body. The monsters face grinned with satisfaction. Sailor Moons fist gripped the monsters neck.

"What have you done...!" Sailor Moons voice furious, and her face cross; her tears becoming more like a acid of pure despise. Sailor Moon squeezed the neck of the monster tighter as her breaths heaved with hate, "You k-killed him!" Her voice broke as her emotions malcontented; all over the place.

"He's not... worth... the... tears..." The monster struggled to laugh.

Sailor Moon grabbed her Moon Stick quickly shoving the monster, "Moon Healing Escalation!" She screamed before grabbing Akio before he fell. The light of the stick was brighter than it usually was. The monster lost in the second the chant was spoken.

"That glow." Sailor Jupiter whispered, covering her eyes along with the others.

"The brightness is blinding..." Tuxedo Mask thought to himself hiding behind a building trying to avoid the light so it wouldn't destroy his sight. Sailor Moon laid Kyuusuke Sarashina on the ground gently as the Moon Sticks light vanished. She placed her fingers to his cheek as she pulled him so that his headland on her knees.

"Kyuusuke..." She spoke while her lip quivered, "I'm so sorry..."


Usagi transformed quickly. "He's alright." Ami told with a smile. Usagi, now Sailor Moon quickly ran into the hospital room to see Kyuusuke staring out the window. She smiled as tears filled her eyes.

"Kyuusuke!" She called running toward the boy.

"Sailor Moon?!" The boys face lightened up once he saw the hero.

"You feeling alright? Do you need anything?" Sailor Moon asked worriedly.

"I'm alright right now." He told.

"This is all my fault, Kyuusuke... I should have done something.... I'm so sorry!" Sailor Moon apologized looking down sadly. Kyuusuke Sarashina patted the top of Sailor Moons head.

"No Sailor Moon. You saved me!" The boy reassured, "you tried everything to protect me, you've made me really... really happy!" The boys smile grew. Sailor Moon looked up at the boy, and smiled.

Sailor Moons voice soft, and warm began to speak, "I'm glad you're safe, and... Happy."

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