9. The Dance Floor

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Usagi twirled, "Who knew the Luna Pen could do so much!" She squealed. She was wearing a pink puffy dress, it stopped to her ankles to show off her pink high heels, that matched her dress. She looked modern, and graceful.

"You look splendid." Ami commented with a warm smile, she wore a short blue puffy dress, to her knees, and blue flats, both matched her hair.

"You two look too girly." Rei told crossing her arms. She was dressed in a long purple leather dress, and red high heels.

"Wow Rei! You look spectacular!" Usgai squealed with excitement. The three giggled, and chatted as they fixed their hair, and makeup. Once they were perfect they grasped the bottom of the dress, and lifted it so as they walked it wouldn't get dirty. They walked down Usagis driveway, and hurried to the ball.

"I'm exhausted!" Whined Usagi.

"You're the one who wanted to come, idiot." Rei snapped.


The music played elegantly, the three girls felt awkward standing by the punch bowl, no one had talked to them, or even asked them to dance.

"What a waste of time." Rei groaned,

"It is pretty unpleasant." Ami agreed softly.

"I wanna dance! This was supposed to be a fun, and romantic night! Where's all the boys?!" Usagi questioned obnoxiously.

"Probably because we look like some of these guys mothers."

"We aren't that old! What the heck we're in our 20s not our 50s!" Usagi barked with annoyance. The place was perfect, and seemed lively. The three felt out of place, they looked mature, and boring standing at the side lines. Usagi pouted looking at her two new friends.

"Excuse me, I'm gonna use the bathroom." She explained, and walked away carefully, though her clumsiness got the best of her. She tripped, twisting around almost falling face first onto the hard floor. Then a sudden grasp before the ground could colloid with her face. Usagi looked up, still dizzy, and in shock saw a familiar face.

"M-Mamo?" She stuttered with surprise.

"Usako, I almost didn't recognize you. Are you alright?" He held her close, Usagi bent over slightly, Mamorus arm adjusted so she wouldn't fall backward.

"Thanks to you, I'm fine." Usagi smiled bashfully at Mamoru. He chuckled softly pulling her up so she had both feet on the ground. He held his hand out, and smirked.

"Care to dance?"

"My pleasure." She giggled, and held his hand. They were close to the ballroom so they slide in. Not many people were dancing now so the two had most of the room. People awed at them both as they glided magically across the room.

"I'm not to good at dancing, sorry."

"Don't apologize, you're doing fine, Usako." Mamoru reassured politely. Usagi smiled brightly, her cheeks tinged pink; pleased with his response. They danced beautifully for a long while, before night soon filled the sky. They both left the area, to a balcony to be alone.

"Your really good at dancing, Mamo. I almost couldn't keep up!" Usagi snickered cutely.

"I was good? You were way better than me! I was the one who had to keep up." Mamoru played with a smirk. The stars sparkled beautifully on the night sky, the moon glowing amazingly above them both.

"I haven't done anything like this before, it was really fun." Usagi said softly looking up at the sky, "I wish this night would last forever." Before Mamoru could respond a enormous bang erupted in the ball room. The two, wide eyed, looked at each other in panic.

"E-Excuse me, Mamo." Usagi grasped her dress, and dashed away.

"W-wait, U-Usako!"


"Where the hell is she." Rei asked in furry, her eyes speeding around as she ran around to find Usagi.

"Do you think she's alright, Rei?!" Ami softly called from behind her. The two rushed around the room looking for wherever Usagi could be, quickly finding a place to transform.

"Let's hope so."


"Muhahaha!" Usagi looked at the dark figure startled as it approached her, "Move out of the way!" It demanded coldly. Usagi running away quickly transformed.

"Hey, buddy! Quit ruining these nice people's night of dancing, and romance! In the name of the moon I shall punish you for this rude interruption! And that means you!" The figure glowed shooting bolts at Sailor Moon.

"Ah!" Sailor Moon squeaked running away. Running into a dead end she turned seeing the figure come closer to her. She was trapped.

"You won't get away, Sailor Moon." It spoke hoarsely. Sailor Moon both scared, and determined tried to escape. Holding on tight, she lifted her feet so she was now standing of the railing.

"Stand back, or I will punish you!" She warned. The figure slowly coming closer was now in front of Sailor Moon. She grasped her tiara, but being Usagi she clumsily tripped falling backward off the railing. Her heart speeding up, she squinted her eyes with fear as the ground came close until a hand grasped her wrist. Opening her eyes she saw Tuxedo Mask.

"Tuxedo Mask!" With relief she stared up at her savior, but his grip was slipping away. He tried hard to hold on tight, but no he couldn't for he was not positioned correctly to hold such a weight. He fell as well.


"You'll pay for this." Mars warned the figure.

"Bubble Spray!" Mercury attacked quickly, but the figure rushed away. Mars quickly ran to the balcony, looking over trying to find Sailor Moon. An umbrella came into her view. It carried Sailor Moon, and Tuxedo Mask safely down to the green grass.


"That was a horrible experience." Ami told Rei softly as the exited the party.

"Agreed." Rei sighed.

"I thought it was amazing." Usagi told with a friendly smile. She latched arms with both Ami, and Rei, and giggled, "you both are just party poopers."

"Yeah, you say that cause you were the only one of us who was asked to dance." Rei rolled her eyes.

"Aw sorry guys. Maybe when we get home we can all dance together?!" Usagi questioned hoping that would reassure her friends.

"That's lame, Usagi."

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