35. Mamo

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The chains slanged unbearably. Clings, and clunks filled the enemies ears. As Mamoru heard his loves moans from being pleased by another man. Snap.

"I swear if i find that bastard touching her." Mamorus face was covered by his hair. An enormous aura of anger around him as he walked away from the chains that once held him back. The enemies blocked him making him feel small, and weak, but he still have them death glares. That didn't effect them in anyway.

"Mamoru!!" A familiar cat came running scratching some of the enemies trying to get to Mamoru, "Jump!" Fog filled the air, and the floor crumbled from Mercury's, and Uranus's attacks. The enemies jumped right before falling grasping the remaining floor for their lives. Everyone surrounded them quickly; posing.

"We shall punish you." Smirked Venus. Mamoru rushed to the room where the pleasure was coming from. He barged in without a second thought. The team wanted to follow but had to keep their ground. Mamoru looked around the dark room like a hawk seeing to two. Usagi laid lifeless like in the bed. Her eyes revealing she was being drugged with evil magic. Prince Demande kissed her harshly avoiding Mamoru at the door. He kept torturing the nude girl without any consent to look. Mamoru punched the prince away from Usagi protectively. The prince adjusted his jaw, and pants as he stood.

"Hands off her." Mamoru barked.

"I swear to god. You dare prevent me from taking this women's dignity, I'll murder you." The prince growled. Mamoru almost slaughtered the man before him.

"Usako is mine." He grabbed his shoulders, and slammed his forehead against his. The prince fell to the ground silently. Mamoru hovered over the women he loved not wanting to see the pain she was given he covered her with the sheets. He placed his hands on her pale controlled cheeks, and laid his throbbing forehead against hers. He looked into her lost eyes as they looked into no where. He could almost see them go completely black. Tears spilled from him as he gently hugged her.

"M-Mamo..." She whispered. He looked at her with painful eyes.

"Usako... I'm so sorry..." His lip quivered as he stared at her manipulated face. Memories of the past leading this moment their lives were so painful... Usagi began to sob as she recognized what had just occurred. Mamoru held her closely brushing his fingers through her hair compassionately.

She whaled, "M-M-Mamo!"

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