7. Third Sailor

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"So those were the vicious man-eating crows that attacked you?" Ami questioned while her, and Luna snickered.

"Y-Yes they were!" Usagi snapped as they left the entrance of the shrine taking a turn.

"They were big, cruel, and very hungry." She pointed out as they laughed. Usagi stepped forward, and walked in front of Ami, and Luna making them stop in their tracks. Usagi walked backwards eyeing the two of them.

"I could've died." Ami, and Luna began walking after Usagi began walking forward again. They laid their backs against a brick wall that was a few blocks away from the shrine they had just left.

"That was a steep hill." Usagi commented with a deep breath. Even if they were far away they could still hear the shrieks of a women.

"Moon Prism Power..." Usagi shouted as she ran.

"Mercury Power..." Ami shouted as well.

"Make Up!" They yelled with unison as lights gleamed around the both of them.


Rei screamed once more as the beast charged at her. She dodged smoothly making her confidence rise.

"I can do this." She breathed as she dodged another attack front the giant monster like beast. Suddenly beyond the shadows was a light the gleamed brightly while two figures glared through the lights shine. Two girls in sailor outfits standing proudly, and a small black cat beside them. The cat walked up to the shrine maiden slowly.

"Rei, you are the guardian of the planet Mars, you must transform, and join us." The cat spoke bluntly. Rei blinked with confusion receiving the transformation pen. She grasped it tightly, and spoke with bravery.

"Mars Power, Make up!" Light spun around her like flames. A sailor uniform replacing her shrine getup.

"Akuryo Taisan!" Sailor Mars pulled out a white piece of paper that had black clean writing up, and down it. She swiped it forward setting it flying toward the monster letting is dissolve into dust. Sailor Mars looked at the pile of ashes staring at its sandy texture in thought. It wasn't surprising at all, she was actually relieved that she knew the suspicious power came from two remarkable guardians that were good, and not evil.

"Welcome to the group Sailor Mars." Ami smiled bashfully at holding her hands behind her back.

"Glad to have you apart of the team." Usagi said honestly, "Now... Can we go get something to eat, I'm starved." A sweatdrop placed against Ami, and Luna's foreheads. Usagi patted her stomach while the others groaned softly, and face palmed.

"Yeah... I'm glad to be here too..." Rei agreed with a shake of her head, and a snort causing them all to laugh.

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