12. Mind Explaining?

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Luna stood silently on the edge of Usagi's bed, waiting till it was the right moment to leave. Once she knew Usagi had hit the hay she quietly left to go to Game Center Crown.

"You have four of them, correct?" Said a low voice from the Sailor V game at Game Center Crown.

"Yes I have Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. We have one remaining." Replied Luna.

"I have her." The low voice responded.

"What about the other four? Do we have any contact with them?"

"They're yours, they all are very close, Luna."

"What happens when we find them all? I still don't understand what we're collecting them for." Luna asked.

"We need all of the solar systems Sailor Senshi to eliminate all the enemy's." The voice explained.

"What about the rest of them? The nine of them won't be enough."

"The nine of them won't be, that's why we are getting the others as well." He told.

"What about the rules of time, and space? Wouldn't we be breaking them if we-"

"Don't worry, Luna, all will be well."


"Lunnna!" Usagi called, and Luna groaned.

"I'm up..." She slurred as she came out from under the bed.

"Why do you sleep down there, isn't it uncomfortable?" Usagi questioned,

"You're the one who hogs the bed."

"I do not!" Usagi protested. Luna rolled her cat eyes, and slowly walked to the front door.

"Ready?" She asked her owner.

"Just need to put my shoes on!" Usagi told with a big smile. Luna waited patiently, staring at the door in front of her, thinking about the latest conversation with the voice, "Alright, I'm ready now!"


"Stop whining Usagi!" Rei exclaimed with furry.

"But it's so harrrd!" Usagi whined more.

"All you have to do is sit behind the counter, and help the customers if they need it..." Makato sighed as the two fought viciously.

"It's not that hard." Ami agreed as she sweat-dropped. Usagis friends stood in front of the counter as Usagi sat behind it, bored, and frustrated. Luna on the other hand was waiting patiently for Usagis shift to end so she could chat with the Sailor V game once more, "Luna?" Ami questioned bringing Luna's attention back to the real world.

"You're spacing out," Makato told as she rubbed the black cats head.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." Luna explained; purred.

"Are we meeting at the shrine tonight?" Questioned Rei, and Luna nodded.

"Yes, we must." The cat responded. No people were at the arcade so it was safe to speak. Though Luna wanted to talk to the game counsel, she had a duty to help the Sailor Senshi she had come to find. Again Luna spaced out, thinking about the reasons behind all that she committed to recently, and the job she came to possess. Questions filled the small head of hers, could she trust the voice, or rather more could she trust the girls?


"Thanks for stopping by the Game Center Crown! Come again please." Usagi smiled at the customer.

"Sooner than you might think." The customer responded, smirked, and exited the arcade. Usagis smile turned to a frown, was this another attack from the enemy?

"Luna, do you think that guy was an alliance to the enemy?" Usagi asked Luna as she stared at the door the strange man had just left from. When Luna didn't reply Usagi looked down to see the cat staring off into space, "Luna did you hear me?!"

"Hmm?" Luna looked up at Usagi confused.

"Are you alright Luna? You aren't usually so dazed..."

"I'm fine," Luna assured, "let's go to the shrine."


"We don't know who we're up against or who we're in an alliance with either," Ami explained, "Luna can you tell us who the enemy is, who else is a Sailor Senshi, and how soon can we find them before this becomes dangerous?"

"The enemy is getting more, and more threatening." Agreed Rei.

"They don't seem like they're playing games." Said Makato.

"I'm not to sure myself." Luna responded.

"How do you not know?" Rei questioned, "You're the one who brought us together? So why'd you bring us here?"

"I'm not sure... All I know is to find the princess, and defeat the enemy..." Luna told.

"But who's the princess, and who's the enemy?" Ami asked with concern.

"If we can track them both down, we can find out where, and who the princess is, and know who, and what power our enemy has." Makato explained.

"How can we find them? Do you have any way, any devise, any location, person, anything that can help us?" Asked Rei.

"I don't know any of the answers you want me to provide." Luna spoke, "My job is to find everyone from the Sailor Senshi so we can find the princess so we can defeat the enemy," Luna explained once more.

"We are willing to help you Luna," Usagi assured, "but are you willing to help us?"

"I will try my best, but I have nothing more, but living by that motto. Find the princess, defeat the enemy." Luna said sadly.

"We'll be patient, Luna." Usagi reassured Luna.

"Don't worry, we'll help find our princess, and we'll defeat the enemy." Makato told Luna, and everyone nodded in agreement. The sun began to slowly set, and Usagi fought herself to tell them about the strange guy from earlier that afternoon or not.

"Guys, I think uh another enemy has come in contact with us." Usagi told, and the others raised their eyebrows ready to listen. When it got late everyone decided I'd be best to leave so they won't be exhausted in the morning, but they'd keep an eye on their wrist watches just in case someone was in trouble, and had to call them. Luna on the other hand felt useless, and knew she had to get answers.


"Luna, you ok?" Usagi questioned her cat.

"I just feel kind of useless..."

"Don't feel that way, remember, you're the one who brought us together to save everyone. You aren't useless one bit. We're just worried."

"I suppose your right." Luna smiled feeling quit better with Usagis words, "Thank you Usagi, that's a relief, honest." The two walked home in silence, smiles escaping their lips with happiness.


"Guess who's come back." Usagi widened her eyes, it was around the time to close up shop the next day when a familiar figure stood outside the door.

"I'm sorry, but we were j-just closing for the day..." Usagi explained.

"Oh, that's a shame, looks like I'm gonna have to make an excuse to come in aren't I?"

"E-Excuse me?" Usagi raised in eyebrow at the man.

"I might need your assistance," The man told, but Usagi still didn't quite understand, "You see, I'm trying to find something... legendary."

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