Chapter 1

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~Sage's Pov~

How did I expect my senior year of high school to go?

Definitely not running down the halls of a building that was on fire looking for a guy on the TSA's top ten most wanted.

Well, maybe I did see this coming. I've been training for this mission for a few days.

"Sage, I don't want to rush you-" a nervous voice came through the comm unit in my ear.
Morgan means a lot to me. She and Clara are the closest thing I have to a family, but they're not as advanced in their training as I am, meaning rookie mistakes are common in their missions. I don't like mistakes. They waste time, energy, and resources.

"Morgan, this is a highly sensitive mission, one we can't afford to screw up on."

"But the building is about to blow up! Our scan detected it in the heart of the building and smaller explosives are all around the base."
Super villains always go out with a bang. Their sense of style and flair just adds to my headache.

"How much time do I have?"

"Ten minutes but, Sage, I don't think-"

"There's still a chance we can complete this mission. Morgan, you and Clara take everything back to the Tank. Stay put until further notice."

"If we're on the plane, we won't be able to help you."

I'm a level nine agent. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

"That's an order from your mission leader."

I switch off my comm unit. I afford any distractions.

I sprint down the long dark, deserted hallway. In ten minutes, a bomb is going to go off and blow this warehouse to bits with me inside of it if I don't hurry.

Finally reaching the door, I slowly turn the knob readying my gun. It's loaded with rubber bullets, modified to knock the person out. There's no need for accidental civilian casualties.

A punch flies at my face. Ducking and punching the guard in the throat knocks him off balance. A kick sends him sprawling on the floor.

Surely a criminal mastermind would have tighter security?

The room's silence and coldness are a bit unnerving, but I have a job to do.
The room is painted in a dark shade of gray with a large window on the far side. The room overall is very tidy with a masculine feel.

He should be here. He has to be here. Walt is somewhere in this room. I can sense his behind from here.

A disco ball and colorful lights burst from the ceiling. Music blares from a speaker. Why would he pick disco? I shoot the speaker, and it thankfully shuts off.

A bookshelf swings around to reveal a man, maybe six foot one, one hundred and eighty pounds.

"Some guest you are, ruining my entrance."

"And here I thought that was for me."

"It's about time we saw each other again, don't you agree, darling? You've had quite a winter break tracking me around the world."

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