Chapter 18

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~Sage's Pov~

I wake up to Morgan yelling, "Everybody up! It's time for school!"
I groan. I didn't sleep well last night, because of a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep.
Going downstairs means I have to talk to people.
Well, not if I go out the back door and grab breakfast at a fast food restaurant.
I quickly take a shower, put on blue and white shirt, charcoal jeans, and short sparkly gladiator heels.
Grabbing my bag, I quietly get on my motorcycle and drive the closet place.
I get a biscuit and a drink.
When I get to school, only the teachers and janitors are there.
I go to my locker first, so I won't run into Isaac.
It's eerily quiet. I've never seen it like this before.
I walk to the cafe and eat my breakfast.
Some people start arriving, so I go to the library. No one comes to the library, so I can be alone here.
When the bell rings, I go to my first class. Sadly, Isaac is in this class.
He slides in his seat just as the tardy bell rings, so he doesn't get a chance to talk to me.
Thank you bell!
Class goes by really slowly as the teacher drags on about calculus.
I jump out of my seat when the bell rings and sprint to my next class.

-Time Skip To Lunch-

Text to Autumn:

S: Im hiding in library 4 lunch
A: What happened?
S: Tell u when get here
A: 😩
S: 😢
A: fine
S: ☺️

When she comes, I tell her about Paris, him being sweet, and asking about my powers.
"He actually asked?" She looks shocked.
Autumn is the only one who knows exactly what happened.
I nod.
She hugs me and says, "I'm so sorry! Let's go somewhere after training. My treat."
I smile. She knows how to cheer me up.
Then, the bell has to ruin everything. It's a gift and a curse. We go to class and it feels like forever until it rings again.
Finally, it's music class. The one class Autumn and I have together.
Mrs. Emerald comes in, "Today class you will be performing a duet. It has to be a song you wouldn't normally sing.
I already have your partners picked so here they are. Autumn with David, Chloe with Chance, Sage with Isaac,..."
Wait what! No, this can't be happening.
Once she finishes we get with our partners.
Autumn gives me a sympathetic look.
"Hey, sweetheart," Isaac says.
"Hello," I say, "What song should we sing?"
"What about I thought I lost you?" he asks.
I nod and start singing.

Nobody listens to me, don't hear a single thing I've said
Say anything to soothe me, anything to get you from my head
Don't know how really I feel,
Cause it's the faith that makes it like I don't care
Don't know how much it hurts to turn around like you were never there
Like somehow you could be replaced and I could walk away from the promises we made
And swore we'd never break

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see your sweet face again.
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
but I kept the moments that we were in
'Cause I hoped in my heart, that you would come back to me my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you!

I felt so empty out there, and there were days I had my doubts
but I knew I'd find you somewhere
because I knew I couldn't live without you in my life for one more day
and I swore I'd never break a promise that we made

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see your sweet face again.
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
but I kept the moments that we were in
'Cause I hoped in my heart, that you would come back to me, my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you!

I told myself I wouldn't sleep 'til I searched the world from sea to sea

I made a wish upon a star, I turned around and there you were

And now here we are, are

here we are
I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you


I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I'd never see your sweet face again.
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
but I kept the moments that we were in
and I knew in my heart, that you would come back to me, my friend
And now I got you, I thought I lost you!

but I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

so glad I got you, got you

so glad I got you, yeah yeah
I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

{Isaac's Pov}

When Sage and I finish singing, the bell rings and she runs out. I leave wondering what I did. She always does that around me.
What did I get myself into? Is she worth all of this drama? I know she lost her parents and has powers she's afraid of, but it's not easy being me either.
Do I just try harder? I want her back in my life. She's still my best friend and the only one that actually understands me. She's experienced me being a jerk and has kicked my butt because of it. That's what I like about her, she doesn't deal with stupidity.
Then, I try being friends and ruin it.
Me and my big mouth...
I don't know how, but I'll find a way to get her back.
She looked really tired. I hope she didn't have another nightmare.
I get on my motorcycle and drive to the agency.

-Morgan's Pov-

️Sage has been acting strangely all week.
This has really been affecting her. All she does is eat, go to school, train, and sleep.
Hopefully, we can work it out this weekend.
Isaac has been giving her some space, but I don't know it it will help.
We are at the agency training.
️Sage has knocked off the heads of eleven dummies this week, and that's without her powers.
As we're about to leave, Mr. Song and Ms. Melody approach us.
"Agents, we have tracked the location of the agency on the henchman's badge. This weekend you will go to Hollywood, California, to track it down. Will Black III will not be there, but you must retrieve a flash drive with all of the information from their computers," Ms. Melody says.
"Go home and pack. Autumn?" He says and Autumn gives us the paperwork.
I look at mine and I have a different name and looks.
I have short brown hair.
I hope the mission will be just like Paris, but of course it won't. Because of one small, stupid question.

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