Chapter 38

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~Sage's Pov~

Everyone has tried to show Isaac goodness.
I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't turn back.
Although, he did ditch me when we were little, people change. I just need to let it go.
He said that he thought I said yes to William, so he kissed Saira. I don't know what to do.
I think I might actually be falling for him, maybe love him.
Wait, love.
That's it!
Will said to change him back there had to be goodness and love.
I know the girls don't love him and the guys love him like a brother.
It's up to me.
I have to help him.
"Guys, it's my turn," I say and they turn toward me.
"We can't let you go in there," Morgan says.
"I have no choice," I say trying to persuade her.
"Well, we could take some extra precautions," Brandon says thoughtfully.
He grabs some rope and duct tape.
We watch as he ties Isaac up to a chair after a struggle.
"Okay, now you can go in," he says and holds the door open for me.
Brandon is covered in dark ice and his shirt is ripped, but I have to chance it.
It's now or never.
He locks the door behind me.
I go over to Isaac.
He glares at me.
I sit on his lap awkwardly, because there's no other chair, and try to talk.
I'm so nervous.
What do I say? What if he won't change back? What if I make it worse?
"Isaac... I-," I stumble and look at the window.
I know they're all there staring. I can't do it with everyone watching.
"Guys, a little privacy?" I say and hear mumbling.
I hear them walk down the stairs, but just to be sure I freeze the window.
I can make my ice different colors that changes with my emotions.
Right now it's purple with a hint of red.
"Isaac, I know you probably hate me and you have good reason to," I say.
"You got that right, babe," he says disgusted. No. He said babe. I was always his sweetheart.
"But I'm going to tell you a story," I say trying not to lose my temper.
"What am I five?" He asks sarcastically.
"This isn't just any story. This is mine. I've never told anyone this. Not even Autumn. Once upon a time, I had a family. My parents were the best you could ever have. On the first day of kindergarten, I met this boy with the lightest hair I had ever seen. We became friends and, eventually, best friends. I was so happy, but then one day, a few years later, he came up to me. He told me he didn't want to hang out anymore. I cried myself to sleep that night. Years later, he is the most popular guy in school. He would make out with cheerleaders in front of my locker and bully me. I was heartbroken. Not because I liked him, but because he left me to do that."
I sniffle a bit but continue, "Then one day, my parents brought me to this big building. They told me they were spies and I could be one too. I was so excited. There I met Clara and Morgan. Their parents were also spies. I met Autumn and we became best friends. I trained every day and became the best spy in the agency. One day, when I came home from school, a man in a black coat dress thing held a gun to my parents's hearts. I hid behind the table. Then, Will Black killed my parents. I've had nightmares ever since."
He seems to like this part and it disgusts me.
I want the old Isaac back.
"The next day, I heard that he had also murdered a lot of other agents. Clara and Morgan's parents were part of them. I took them in and we became a team. I was strict on missions, because I didn't want them hurt. On the first day of senior year, you have the locker next to mine. We had to work on a project, so I went to your house. You asked me out. I got mad and ran out. When I got to the agency, I was told we had to work with our rival agency. It was Brandon, Garrick, and..." I trail off.
"Do you remember?" I ask and he looks at me like I'm stupid.
"It was you. We all had to move into my house together. That was when you found me trying to cook and failing miserably. You helped me and it came out pretty well," I smile remembering, "After we ate, we played truth or dare. Garrick had to wear a dress. Then, we watched a movie and when everyone was asleep, you asked me to dance. It was so amazing. I felt free. The rest of the team woke up and we were both so embarrassed. We got our first mission the next day. It was in Paris. Your name was Isaiah and mine was Sarah. We were married and on our honeymoon. I was so embarrassed when we were put in the honeymoon suite. You carried me everywhere, though I'm still not sure why. We argued as we put the tracker on that guy. Garrick had to propose to Morgan under the Eiffel Tower, while we got a henchman's badge."
"I remember showing you one of my powers and you thinking you were going to die," he says and his eyes turn to the original blue, but then back to yellow, "Stupid girl."
"Anyway," I say trying to ignore him, "Yes, you did. You also gave me this." I show him the ring.
"I have good taste," he says.
"I didn't know what to think of it then, but now I don't take it off. When we came back here, you asked about my powers. I freaked out, because I had hurt people when I was younger. You chased me home and I shut you out, like I always do when I'm scared," I tell him.
His eyes are still yellow, but they have gotten lighter.
"Our next mission was in Hollywood, California. We were still married. I almost left my ring at home. You waited for me. When we got on the plane, I fell asleep and you put my head on your lap. I woke up and blushed so hard. The first night Clara, Morgan, and I had a girls's night which you and the boys crashed. I scared the frost out of you. The next day we went to the beach. We visited the boardwalk. Brandon and Garrick both won stuffed animals for the girls, but I wouldn't let you. Instead, we rode two roller coasters. Your face was so funny in the first one. Then, you laughed at mine in the next. I was called in for a small side mission tracking down my ex-supervising officer. After I almost died jumping off an exploding yacht, you swore you would never again be my date/backup. You were sweet, but egotistical as always," I smile thinking about that moment.
"Me do something nice?" He sneers at me.
I hate it when he does that.
"That morning, we snuck into the henchman building. I was almost done when you just had to touch something. The alarm went off and we were caught. They injected you with something which knocked you out. I used the ring you got me, with some adjustments I added, to cut the rope. I slapped you and you finally woke up hurt. We climbed through the vent, but you wouldn't stop talking, so I put my hand over your mouth after you tried to apologize," I say.
"Eww! Gross! I don't apologize," he says.
I smack him.
"Does that ring a bell?" I ask him.
He glares.
"When we get outside, Brandon and Clara have broken up," I say, "That mission ends and we go back to school.
When we were dancing again, you ask me to be your girlfriend. I say no because I don't want to hurt you. The next day, you ask Saira to the dance. I'm hurt, but it's my fault. Weeks pass. William asks me, and I say I'll go just as friends. We win King and Queen, because the girls stuff the ballot box."
I see his eyes keep changing colors. They go from yellow to blue and back again.
"William asks me to be his girlfriend and I say no, but you think I say yes. I go in and see you kissing Saira. I'm heartbroken, because I realize I just might like you," I explain, "We are sent on our last mission together. This time to Ruby, Alaska, where my family runs the whole town. We are engaged this time and keep our regular names. My grandparents embarrass me by putting us in a room together. You sleep on the floor and in the morning my grandma brings us breakfast. I wake you up by throwing a pillow at you. We try to look natural, but your hand was on my head and mine on your hand."
He starts laughing, but quickly goes back to glaring.
"Morgan and Clara drag me off to explore while you go with the boys and my grandparents," I recall, "Grandma told you she was making a quilt, but it was actually a baby blanket. I knew, because she had finished the wedding one by the time I was seven. I got upset, so you pulled me on your lap and held me. I had to go to my wedding shower while you went fishing with grandpa. I was so scared for you. When I got back, he said he approved of you. I hated lying to them, but I had no choice. I let you sleep on the bed on top of the covers and I found your arm around me the next morning. I pretended to be asleep, so it wouldn't be that awkward."
It feels good to get everything off my chest, but he still hasn't changed back yet.
Please come back to me.
"My grandparents threw us an engagement party. We made a speech and told them how you proposed. I was in an airport leaving, when you rushed in and begged me not to go. I said I had to, but then you pulled out the ring I'm wearing right now and asked me to be your wife. I cried and said yes. Then, because of my stupidity, we had to tell them about the first time you proposed. We were in a garden when I looked away. When I turned back you were kneeling on rose petals and asked me to marry you. I said I needed more time. Everyone bought that which really confused me," I tell him.
His clothes are starting to turn back to their regular color, so I keep going with the story.
"That night you fall asleep first and I pull your arm around me. I feel safer like that. You wake me up after I have a nightmare and I tell you about it. You're the only who knows everything. Then, we went to the old mine to find Will Black. He starts examining us. I find out that you have snow and frost powers and you find out I have control over ice and snow. We're both shocked and I start a snowstorm. You try to find me, but Will shoots a black spear at me. You jump in front and get hit. I take all my fury out on him and kill him. A helicopter rushes you back here. When I get here, I hear that you want to kill me," I say and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Everyone tries to get you to turn back into that Isaac that we all know and love. But nothing works. Now here I am telling you my story," I say.
"What? No happy ending?" He asks sarcastically.
"I'm afraid I don't get one," I say and his hair changes back.
He notices the ring in his finger and asks, "Where did I get this?"
I smile at him, "That's one of my favorite parts. I gave it to you since we were engaged."
"You want to know the saddest part?" I ask.
He doesn't respond.
"I'm waiting for you to come back to me right now, but I don't know if you ever will. I was a fool to just figure it out now, but Isaac I think...I think I may like you," I say tears escaping from my eyes. I lay my head on his shoulder and just start crying. Why am I crying? He's just a guy. A guy that is my best friend. I need him and I just now realized it.
Nothing happens which makes me more upset. No happy ending, I guess.
"I think I may like you too,'" he says.
I pull away and he's back to his old self.
"Isaac!" I yell and hug him.
"Hi, sweetheart," he says and hugs me back.

{Isaac's Pov}

I'm listening to Sage tell me her story. I can hear and see, but I can't control my body.
Then, she starts crying. I can't do girls crying, especially Sage. She likes me?
I have to get back to her. I start fighting whatever is controlling me.
Ugh! Get out!
"You'll never be free!" Someone says, "Evil controls you now."
"I won't let that happen!" I yell.
I struggle even harder.
I feel myself start changing back.
Sage notices and hugs me.
"Hi, Sweetheart," I say and hug her back.
"Don't just sit there. Kiss me!" She says pulling me in for a kiss. Wow! I never thought this day would come.

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