Chapter 15

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<Garrick's Pov>

Why couldn't Sage have just let me tell Morgan? Even better, she could have let me be done after opening doors for five hours straight. This whole thing is way too over the top. We're agents, not Broadway actors.

Why do we need a distraction anyway. Sage and Isaac will be up on the viewing platforms doing the important stuff. I don't even know where Brandon and the demon will be. Why were they even partnered? All I've seen them do is stare at each other and make really obvious faces.

Morgan walks alongside me to the Eiffel Tower. Her hand is holding mine tensely. How tough of a grip does she even have? I won't have any feeling left by the time we get there.

Sage had a ring delivered this morning by a jeweler, while Morgan was still sleeping. How she got one to deliver it personally, I don't know. She seems to be able to make people do whatever she wants. It's seems wrong, but who am I to say that? I deal in secrets and weapons for a living.

The ring is quite elaborate. It's an emerald cut with smaller diamonds on the gold band. I'm my opinion, it's ugly. Instead of a diamond there's an emerald. That's the only redeeming factor, but isn't the whole point of a wedding ring is that it's a diamond? I'll never understand women or the wedding industry. They're both monsters.

A few minutes later we've arrived at the foot of the tower. According to Sage's instructions, we are to sightsee around the base but not go up. At 10:47pm exactly, something about keeping the lifts busy. The proposal is supposed to occur right in front of the elevator doors.

Morgan wasn't allowed to know any of this. Unfortunately, I get to hope she says yes and takes her sweet time. I was commanded to come up with a long winded speech as tonight's distraction.

We're already holding hands, so I lead her directly to the base of the Eiffel Tower.

It's not tourist season yet, but there are still quite a few people taking pictures and going up to the viewing platform. Our job is to keep the people going up to a minimum. The less people up there, the lower chance Isaac and Sage will get caught.
Our position is in front of the elevator. Clara and Brandon are in front of the stairs, pretending to be a photographer and a model in the middle of a photo shoot.

I wanted to switch positions, so less people would see us, but Sage said that was the point. People won't interrupt a proposal, but they will a photo shoot.

Alright, Garrick, you can do this. Morgan doesn't know what you're going to say, so there's no way you can mess this up.

"Do you want to go up?" Morgan asks as the elevator doors open to let people off.

"No!" I automatically yell. Nice going, genius. No way to mess this up, ha! "I mean, no. I actually wanted to talk to you before we went up."

"About what?" She crosses her arms, obviously weirded out. I move to the middle of the doors, blocking a large family heading for them.

"You know how we've been dating for two years?" I start speaking louder, loud enough for the family to hear and slightly keep their distance.

She scrunches her face up, waiting for something to happen. I can't say I blame her. If someone randomly said we needed to talk, I'd be already be gone. Props to her for not running back to the hotel.


Please play along. The family is getting antsy. I quickly and somewhat awkwardly kneel down, taking one of her hands. Her eyes widen more than should be physically possible. Her mouth drops open with a gasp.

"Ever since I met you all those long, long, long, long, long, long years ago, I knew you were the one...I was going to marry. You're smart, pretty, funny, popular...happy, creative...great butt—"

"Garrick!" she hisses. I'm running out of things to say about her. What other adjectives are there?

"Beautiful! Perfect—perfect for me! I knew I had to marry you when you ran into that doorframe and knocked the class goldfish onto the floor on the first day of third grade."

There's an audible confusion from the crowd. It's not for them. The person who knows exactly to what I'm referring understands, and she's clenching her jaw as the memories flood back.

"You're still as clumsy as ever, sugar cakes, but I lo—lu—uh..." I slip up. I can't force the words out. I can't tell Morgan Summers that I even fake love her. "I'm very fond of you. I hope you share my sentiments. From all the secret glances, shy smiles, heated insults, and challenges you've given me, I can without a doubt declare you have bewitched me."
Alright, Gare, stop the Shakespearean talk. You've got work to do.

"And I have received those same glances, smiles when you think no ones looking, and the wonderful poems you've written in your diary...the one underneath your pillow."

She narrows her eyes, challenging me to break protocol and call her out. How did she find it? I had everything securely locked up.

The family and crowd seem to be getting bored, so I wrap up the story and pull the box out of my pocket.
She pulls away slightly when I open the ring box. Sage's voice is ringing in my ears saying it made it realistic and you shouldn't fake propose without a ring. What does she know about fake proposals anyway?

It's a nice enough ring. Obviously it's fake. At least I think it is. Sage wouldn't trust any of us with real diamonds, would she?

"Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"

"...yes." Morgan plasters a smile on her face, holding her hand out for me to put the ring on her finger.

The crowd around us claps, most of them going back to whatever they were doing.

I'm never doing that again.

{Isaac's Pov}

I pick up Sage bridal style and step off the tower.
She buries her head in my chest afraid she's going to die.
"Sage, you can can look now!" I find her still rigid in my arms.
"Are we dead?" She asks sarcastically.
She looks down.
Then, she turns to me confused.
"This is one of my powers," I tell her.
"One?" She asks.
"You'll find out later," I say smiling.
"As your wife, I have the right to know!" She argues.
"Tell me one of yours since I showed you mine," I tell her.
"Well I'm very flexible. Clara and Morgan count it as one, but I don't know if I do," she says a little embarrassed, "Wait, if you could fly why did we have to walk up all those steps?"
"We couldn't risk someone seeing us," I reply.
We look, but can't find the singer. It's okay, since she isn't an agent.
I'll have Ms. Melody and Mr. Song send someone else to check on her.
I fly behind a tree, so no one sees us.
We get there just in time to see Garrick get down on one knee.
Morgan gasps. It looks like she's about to say no, but eventually says yes.
When she does, the people around them cheer and aww.
They hug and Morgan kisses his cheek.
I give him a thumbs up. Sage and Clara go to congratulate her.
"Oh, honey! Congratulations!" Sage says very unlike herself.
"You must let us help you plan the wedding," Clara agrees.
"I'd love that! We must keep in touch," she says and puts her number in their phones.
We walk back to the hotel together. It's our last night here, so we're taking it all in while we can.
I decide to carry Sage. She falls asleep before we get there. When we walk through the doors, the doorman gives me a weird look. Well, I am carrying a sleeping girl. I motion that's she's had a little too much to drink. He nods and helps us to the elevator.
Once we are in the room, I put her under the covers and tuck her in.
I hope she doesn't have another nightmare.
She looked so scared of whatever it was about and it takes a lot to scare Sage.
I fall asleep on the couch wondering what will happen at school two days from now.
I don't want it to go back to the way it was before.

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