Chapter 20

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*Clara's Pov*

We finish singing and Sage walks over to a table with three guys. They're not bad looking, but what about "our" guys?
"Leaving so soon?" She asks innocently.
What is she doing? She's supposed to be married. There goes the honeymoon!
"Natasha, what are you doing? You're married!" Morgan says confused.
"The name Clinton ring a bell?" I say trying to figure out what she's doing.
"I don't know. Does it ring a bell to you?" She asks one of the guys touching his arm very flirtatiously. I had no idea she has that in her. She's athletic, a leader, and a stick in the mud. She doesn't go to parties or stay out late. What is wrong with her?
"N-no," he says nervously.
"My mistake," she says and walks away.
Before she walks out the door, she turns, kisses him on the cheek, and says, "You know you shouldn't lie to your wife, darling!"
She also gives him a little wave that makes him even more scared.
Morgan and the guy look shocked.
I look at the other people at the table and see those unmistakable green eyes.
"Guys?" I ask.
"Hi," Brandon says embarrassed.
"David, how could you?" I ask.
"It was Spencer's idea!" He says. I really don't care whose idea it was! He is in trouble.
"We'll discuss this later," Morgan says.
"Ooh!" Brandon says laughing.
"You too," I scold.
Then, Morgan and I walk out.
️Sage is waiting for us. She's laughing so hard. Are we in an alternate universe? Do we have to take her to the hospital? What is happening?
"Are you okay?" I ask her seriously, "Why the cheesecake did you do that?"
"I'm sorry, but did you see their faces? They were so scared!" She says laughing.
"I'm glad to see you so happy, but we thought you had gone crazy!" Morgan says.
She calms down a little.
"Where do you guys want to go?" I ask.
"How about the beach?" Sage says.
"We don't have our suits," Morgan says sadly.
"I saw a shop that's sells some on the corner," Sage says excitedly.
"Let's go!" Morgan says.
We run to the corner and buy two suits each.
Sage's are teal and blue, Morgan's are a light green and an emerald one, and mine are a light purple and a dark purple.
We get to the beach and almost no one is here.
We change and Sage runs to the water.
"Oh, it's amazing!" She yells diving in.
Morgan and I sit in the sand building a sandcastle.
Soon, Sage comes and drags us into the water.
I'm kind of surprised she hasn't frozen the water yet. I wonder if she can. I would ask her to try it, but she might freeze the entire Pacific Ocean and I really don't want to do the paperwork for that.
She makes us all surfboards and we try it. Surfing is really hard. Apparently, Sage has done it before, so she shows us how. She's the best at it, because she's the most athletic. It takes me a couple tries to stand up on it, but eventually I get it.
I ride a couple and Morgan gets on more than I do.
We finally go lie on the sand exhausted.
"The stars are so pretty," Sage says looking at the sky. It's a dark royal blue with hundreds of twinkling stars.
"They're the same ones we see at home," Morgan says.
"The same, but so different," she says thoughtfully.
"I actually don't miss home when we're on a mission," I say.
"It's because we can be anyone we want to here," Sage says sadly.
"Sometimes, I wish I could stay Olivia Hudson," Morgan tells us.
"You mean soon to be Mrs. Jackson!" Sage says laughing.
"I wouldn't go there, Mrs. Renner!" Morgan says laughing too.
Sage throws sand at her.
"Oh, you want to play dirty!" Morgan yells.
She throws sand at her, but Sage ducks and it hits me.
"Okay, you both are going down!" I scream and start throwing sand. Morgan throws one at Sage. She ducks and it comes back hitting her from behind.
"Hey, no telekinesis!" She yells.
"Hey, no rules!" Morgan yells back.
Sage throws one covered in ice.
"Hey!" Morgan yells and shivers.
"You said no rules!" Sage yells back.
Sage and I move in closer and eventually Morgan says, "Okay, I give up! Truce?"
"Fine, but we better wash off. The hotel won't like us tracking sand in," I say.
We walk toward the water until something hits my back.
"Olivia!" Sage and I yell.
We pick her up and dunk her in the water. She comes up glaring at us.
After we're all dried off, we start walking to the hotel.
"I don't want to walk into the hotel with just a bikini on!" Sage realizes.
I nod.
"Lucky for you, I bought us coverups," Morgan says holding up a green, blue, and purple coverup.
"Love you!" I say.
"I know," she says smiling.
We split up and go to our rooms.
Brandon is lying on his bed.
"I'm back!" I announce.
"How was girls' night?" He asks guiltily.
"You should know you were there!" I say glaring at him.
"Oh, yeah," he smiles sheepishly.
"You owe us big time," I say trying to act serious.
"Okay, anything if you don't let "Natasha" kill us!" He says scared.
Wow, he really thinks Sage was mad.
She's good. Maybe she could teach me how to do that.
"I'll think about it," I say and take off my coverup.
"To answer your question, yes we had a good time," I say, "We went to the beach."
He stares at me with his mouth open.
"Close your mouth. You're gonna catch flies," I say laughing.
He blushes and looks away.
When I finish taking a shower and getting dressed, he's asleep.
I kiss his forehead and lie on my bed.
What a night.

{Isaac's Pov}

Sage is going to kill me. What do I do? I can't run. I can't hide. I'm dead. A goner. At my funeral, everyone will say he so young and stupid. He shouldn't have spied on a spy.
My tombstone will say, "Here lies Isaac Frost, a young man who learned never to mess with spies."
The guys and I went straight back to the hotel, so we wouldn't run into them again.
Why did I let them talk me into going?
Garrick texts me:

G: good luck dude 😈
I: its ur fault shes gonna kill me 😡😵
G: ur fault 4 lying
I: 😑
G: 😂
I: when r u proposing?
G: what?
I: u have 2 do it every time
G: 😩
I: 😏
G: same thing?
I: after tonite?
G: fine what do I do?
I: I'll think of something if she doesnt kill me
G: I'll work on it
I: 😈

I just have to hope she doesn't kill me.
Maybe he should just sing her something.
He's not gonna like that, but I know Morgan will.

G: I tried dude 😁

Then, Sage comes in. She's wearing a blue coverup.
"Please don't kill me, Sage!" I say before she can say anything.
"What are you going to do to stop me?" She asks amused.
"Umm...carry you everywhere tomorrow? Go shoe shopping? Fly you anywhere you want to go?" I say listing off things.
"Okay, first, you already do that. Second, I hate shoe shopping. How about you just owe me a favor," she says smiling evilly.
"Okay," I say still scared. I wouldn't be, but I've seen her take someone down. And that someone was me.
"Tasha? That's not a bad nickname," she says taking off her coverup revealing a blue bathing suit.
They must have gone to the beach.
She goes out on the balcony and I flop on the couch relieved. I decide to sleep there, because it's closer to the door in case she tries to kill me. Who am I kidding? I wouldn't make it out alive even if I was standing in the doorway.
When she comes back in, she sees me on the couch and just shakes her head.
She throws me a blanket and falls asleep quickly.
I look at her.
She's so confusing, yet so simple. Brave, but knows when to step back. Nice yet firm. Gorgeous, but doesn't know it or show it off. Cold, but kind.
I will never understand her, but I'd like to try.
I drift off to sleep, but wake up a few hours later when Sage screams in her sleep.
I jump up and run to her bed.
Shaking her doesn't seem to be working, "Tasha! Wake up! It's just a dream!"
She is tossing and turning, but doesn't wake up.
Please don't make me call an ambulance.
She keeps mumbling words in her sleep.
"Sage, wake up!" I try for the last time, "It's not real!"
To my surprise, she wakes up shivering.
"I-isaac?" She asks quietly sitting up.
"Yeah, sweetheart. It's me. You're going to be okay. It's just a dream," I hush her.
I hold her while she calms down. Once her breathing is back to normal, I lay her back down. She needs to calm down and just relax. The nightmares aren't real.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"I will be eventually," she mumbles.
"Can I do anything to help?" I ask.
"Will you sing?" She whispers.
That surprises me a little, but if it helps I'll do it. I already owe her big time.
"Sure," I reply and start singing a soft lullaby.
Soon enough, she falls back asleep.
I stay there for a little longer making sure she doesn't wake up.
When she doesn't, I crawl back into my bed and fall asleep.

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