Chapter 28

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~Sage's Pov~

Soon everyone is asleep but Isaac and I.
The movie just ended and it was actually pretty good.
It stars Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley.
Isaac grabs the remote and rewinds it back to the dance scene.
He holds out his hand and says, "Would you like to dance to another movie?"
I smile and give him my hand.
I look to make sure no one is awake.
Then, we start.
He spins me and I bring my leg in the air.
We spin again and don't take our eyes off each other.
I feel like doing this forever, but eventually it ends.
I don't fall like in the movie, but he picks me up and spins around.
He bows and I curtsy.
We both laugh.
I look and surprisingly, no one else has woken up.
I turn back to him and he pulls me close to him again. Chest to chest with our face almost touching.
Oh my frostbite.
"Be my girlfriend?" He asks and I am literally speechless.
"What?" I'm hoping he didn't say what I think he said. Please! My life is complicated enough.
"Sweetheart, I know what I said before, but this is different. You're different. I'm different, so yes, I'm asking you out," he relaxes his grip on me.
He looks at me hopefully waiting for my answer.
What do I do?
Do I like him like that? Sure, he's my best friend, but I don't want to ruin that. I don't want to hurt him. What if I lose control of my powers again?
"Isaac, we're friends, but it wouldn't work out and it can't. I have to keep a house, a team, and a family running smoothly. And all I ever do is hurt people. I don't want to hurt you, so I'm sorry, but no," as I say that, I feel bad, but I know I have to.
I run upstairs not looking back because I can't bear to see him sad. I hate doing this, but it's for his own good.
I don't even know if I like him like that. I mean, I used to but are those feelings still there?
I lie on my bed and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up to my alarm. I didn't sleep well due to another nightmare.
I really don't want to face Isaac, but I have to act like nothing's wrong.
Luckily, he already left by the time I go downstairs.
I eat quickly and head to school.
When I get to class, I have to sit next to him.
He looks up and I say, "I'm sorry for last night. Can we pretend it didn't happen?"
"Sure," he says not looking up.
I feel really bad now, but I can't say anything else, because the teacher comes in.

I sit with Autumn.
She's the only one I trust with the truth.
She won't tell anyone.
"Hey, so after dancing with Isaac, he kinda asked me a question," I say awkwardly.
"Which was?" She asks.
"Umm... To be his girlfriend," I whisper.
"Really?! You said yes right?" She asks, but by the look on her face she knows the answer, "Why did you say no?"
"I don't want to hurt him and what if he does the same thing he did when we were little?" I say sadly.
"I see your point, but if you really like him, it's worth the risk," she says as the bell rings. We go our separate ways to class.
I keep thinking about what she said.
Do I really like him?

*Clara's Pov*

Hudson just asked me to the dance!
He's nice, but I still like Brandon.
I said yes, so I wouldn't have to go alone.
Now I have to tell Morgan and Sage.
When I get to the agency, Sage is there, but she doesn't look happy.
I go over to her and say, "Hudson asked me to the dance today."
She pales for a second, but relaxes after a minute.
"What did you say?" She asks.
"Yes. I didn't want to go alone," I say kind of sadly.
"Follow your heart," she says and walks away.
"Where are you going?" I yell after her.
"I'll meet you back at home!" She yells back.
I wonder where she's going?
I decide to leave her be.
Soon, Morgan comes in and I tell her about Sage.
"Suspicious," she says, "Let's follow her."
"How? She already left," I ask.
"The tracker on her car," Morgan says getting out her phone.
"Of course she's there," Morgan says, "The garden by the forest."
"Let's go!" I say and we run out.
When we see Sage, she is sitting by a fountain.
She looks sad.
What happened when we were asleep?
Something big?
We have to help her.
She starts singing.

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