Chapter 3

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-Morgan's Pov-

I slide my adorable Mini Cooper into my parking spot probably a mile from the actual building. Sophomores are supposed to get these spots, but someone in the office screwed up. Now I have to walk for ten minutes just to make it to the football stadium. I go to my locker first and put up pictures of Sage, Clara, and me.

Quickly, I shove all my books in it and turn around. There he is--Garrick Robins. Perfect gelled hair, slick Dodge Charger, sharp jawline, and a no-care attitude.

I've tried my very best to forget him over the summer, but every time I went out I hoped I would run into him. All in vain were my attempts. He must have left the planet, because I was traveling everywhere for missions. Maybe he hid in Timbuktu. If it's a real place, I have no idea where it is located.

He leans up against his locker, mouth in a frown. He just stares, watching the crowd with a judgmental posture. He thinks he's cool and popular, but really he's a jerk, a hot jerk.

"Hey, take a picture. It'll last longer, dork!"

He just called me a dork in front of everyone in the hallway, practically the entire junior class!

"And risk breaking her camera. I think she'll pass." Clara stands in front of me with a determined look. As he rolls his eyes, she raises her voice. "Garrick, thanks for the tip on how to get eyeliner just right. Where do you get yours? Hot Topic?"

He stomps off with a huff. Clara turns to me with a grin.

"You can't fight my battles for me."

"I was just trying to-"

"I know. Thank you."

She's always been there for me. That's, of course, when Sage isn't present.

"Ready for first period?"

"I guess so."

"Good luck." She flutters around the clusters of students blocking her path. For a second, barely a second, her gaze narrows on a particular football quarterback. Brandon Wood, average football player and mediocre student, has been on Clara's checklist since she was in middle school.

Dating him would almost complete her high school list. She makes lists about everything: costumes, organization, Christmas, birthday, room remodel, parties, and anything else she can put into list form.

Half of the things she never accomplishes or uses, but she's determined to complete this high school checklist.

For senior year she needs to be crowned homecoming or prom queen or princess, be president of a club, and wear a football players jersey. That's a year away, but she's planning ahead.

Her eyes lock back on her mission--first period, which I should really be getting to.

Should I tell Sage about Clara and Brandon? For some reason, Sage tends to freak out about handling school, the agency, and a boyfriend. Our mission leader doesn't tolerate distractions. She secludes herself from everyone if asked about the subject.
Maybe I'll keep this one a secret. For Clara's sake.

Shit, I forgot my favorite pen at home. If only my telekinesis actually worked. Okay, so it works. It's just not as cool as you think it is. I can levitate small things. Pencils, pens, a calculator, maybe a book if I'm lucky. But a pen all the way from home? Absolutely not.

It can kind of act like a barrier if I'm really focused like our mission yesterday. That's as cool as it gets though.

Sage is soooo lucky. Her powers can do anything. Why can't mine do that? Probably because your parents didn't train you from the age of two to be an assassin.

*Clara's Pov*

There are more important subjects in the world than guys, like world peace or world hunger. In a world of fashion, homework, and sports, I tend to sway toward the boyfriend folder.

It's not that I don't care about world peace. I do. I take down super villains for a living, but I also know the importance of a love interest.

Most movies have a love interest. Super heroes always get the girl. The leads always marry in a romantic comedy. The girl chooses between two guys in dystopian fiction.

If they can all save the world or the town while falling in love, I don't see why I can't.

Speaking of lovely, Brandon Wood stands huddled in his group of athletic friends. Strong, handsome, probably sensitive.

I almost bump into Tommy Bond as I try to get a last glimpse of him. I've had a crush on Brandon since seventh grade. Sage called it my boy crazy phase that I still haven't grown out of.
It's not fair that she gets to make up all of the rules.
1) No serious boyfriends until I can learn to balance school and TSA
2) Ten o'clock curfew unless I have permission from her.
3) No going out of the country on a mission without her.
4) No using TSA equipment for anything other than missions.
5) No pets.
6) Nothing lower than a C on a report card.

You'd think she's my mom, but you'd be wrong. She's my mission leader. A good one, the best at the agency. She made Morgan and I into level five agents from a level three in six months, something no one has accomplished since Sage went from level two to level five in a year.

The warning bell chimes as I walk into History.

Here we go.

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