Chapter 7

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*Clara's Pov*

Another day. Another experience of Sage waking us up with an extremely loud alarm clock. I swear she got that thing just to make herself miserable. I will say that it does its job.

Pop! There goes my back. I must have slept on it weird last night. Guess I'll have to get Morgan to walk on it or wait until I get to the agency and see one of the chiropractors.

BBBRRRAAAAAYYYNNNNKKKK! Another alarm shocks me out of my dreamy state. I must have fallen asleep again.

I groan and finally get out of bed after the obligatory twenty minute waiting period my blankets requires. I have to keep their trust. 

When I get downstairs, Sage is eating breakfast. She always looks nice but comfortable. I always tease her that she looks like Elsa from Frozen with her usual French braid.

The two are very similar. They're both elegant, badass, like to be alone, great singers, and have way too many responsibilities for one person. And they both are called ice queens. Isaac may have made up that.

Morgan appears from the kitchen wearing an emerald green flowy shirt with jeans. Can you tell what her favorite color is? I swear she could blend in with wood nymphs if they existed.

I quickly eat. Sage and Morgan go their respective ways leaving the house empty. It's almost eerie with how big it is. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for it. Without it, I might be on the streets, or worse, living at the agency.

That sounds pretentious I know but you haven't lived there. You don't know. At least on the street you expect to hear weird noises and sometimes sirens. At TSA there's always screams coming from somewhere and a siren going off every two minutes. There's no way to sleep unless you've mastered sleeping through tornadoes.

I'm actually early for once to school. I don't know how after sleeping through the first alarm. The hallways are busy as usual. A guy named Eli is leaning against his girlfriend, Kate's, locker, smiling.

Ughhh, I want that. I want to have someone that I like spending time with that I happen to make out with sometimes.

It's not my number one goal in the world but it's on my list. Besides, if I have a long term boyfriend, it makes being on the homecoming court or being crowned prom princess that much easier.

It's all about the hustle, baby.

Now look who else has an admirer at her locker. Sage is being annoyed by, the one and only, Isaac Frost.

She's gotten a lot of attention from him lately. First the out of the blue house party invitation. Then the attempted kiss at his house. Now the leaning against her locker. Well, I guess it's his. They picked lockers beside each other when they were still friends. That totally backfired on them, but it's more entertainment for me.

"Are you always this much of an ass?" Sage slams her locker door in his face, which Isaac narrowly escapes.

"Only when I'm around you. Sage, c'mon, just let it go. It was a misunderstanding."

A few people around them notice their tense conversation. Frost turns pink at their notice.

"Oh, are you embarrassed?"

"Oh gods, I'm trying to get us both out of this—"

Ufgh! Oww, I run into a brick wall. At least I think it's a wall until I look up. There's stands Brandon Woods above me like an angel. Like an angel. What am I saying? He is an angel.

He kneels down in slow motion, catching the couple papers I was holding on to.

"Sorry 'bout that. I didn't see you there."

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