Chapter 35

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~Sage's Pov~

When I wake up, I find Isaac's arm around me. How did that get there?
What do I do?
If I get up, he'll know I saw it.
I freeze trying not to wake him up.
Maybe if I pretend to sleep, he'll get up and we won't have to talk about it.
I wait for a while.
I think he did it after I fell asleep, but there is the possibility I moved there during the night.
I hope it was the first one.
Wait, what am I thinking?
He's got Saira, and she's a petite, blonde peppy cheerleader.
What would he want with a strange cold hearted spy with dangerous ice powers?
At least I didn't have a nightmare last night. I think him being there helped.

I get bored, so I open the curtains with the remote to let in some light.
He starts moving, so I pretend to be asleep.
I hear him whisper, "Hey, sweetheart. I wish I had the guts to say this to you when you're conscious, but I don't, so here goes. Sage, I love you. I want to be best friends again."
Then, he walks into the bathroom.
I don't think I was supposed to hear that.
Does he really feel that way? He apologized. What do I do?
I'm claiming Sweetheart as mine now.
I close my eyes as he comes out.
He brushes my cheek with his hand making my eyelids flutter at his electrifying touch.
"It is my soul that calls upon my name: how silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night, like softest music to attending ears!"
I open my eyes smiling at seeing his face close to mine, "Romeo."
He grins lighting up his entire face, "My dear?"
Kissing my forehead, he flops on the bed beside me.
"Hey," he says.
"Hey, today's the day," I say.
"Yep. You ready?" He asks.
I shake my head, "You?"
"Not really," he says.
"How are we going to pull this off?" I ask looking slightly in his direction.
"No idea. Want to practice?" He smiles innocently.
"Somebody's feeling confident today," I lean toward him as he sits up a little. At the last minute, I pull up and kiss his forehead just as he did mine.
"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again!" He pouts. I'm surprised he memorized Romeo and Juliet. We had to perform it for freshman year, but that seems like ages ago.
"You kiss by the book," I recite.
"But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun," he starts leaning toward me.
"Get another star-crossed lover, Romeo," I get off of him and head to the bathroom. 
When I come out he says, "We have to find Will tomorrow."
"I know where he probably is," I say.
"Where would that be?" he asks.
"At the old coal mine at the edge of town," I reply.
He nods and grabs my sash and crown.
"C'mon, you have to wear them," he says, coming toward me.
"But I don't wanna!" I pout like a child.
I back away, and he pins me to the wall.
This is kind of awkward.
"Fine, I'll wear them," I say before it gets worse, and he puts the crown on my head.
I put the sash on.
"What else did you get?" He asks.
"Secrets," I say as he walks toward them.
"As your fiancé, I have a right to know," he says and picks up the present from Aunt Tonia.
"Okay, but you better not be getting any ideas," I say, and he opens it.
He pulls out the set and pales.
"Maybe we should have secrets," he says and quickly puts it back.
"Told you so," I smile.
He picks me up and carries me downstairs.
Grandma has pancakes all ready for us.
The team laughs and has a good time while eating.
This is what I want my life to be like.
Soon, grandma drags me off to pick up decorations and food.
To make up for the shower last night, I also bring along Clara and Morgan.
We go to the farmers market for a few things.
Then, we drop by the caterer's shop.
I can't believe this is really happening.
I wasn't planning to get married for a couple years.
Wait, what am I saying?
I'm not getting married now.
Finally, we go home, and I find Isaac getting fitted for a suit in my room.
Grandma puts her hands over my eyes.
"Bad luck to see the groom before the engagement party," she says and pulls me down the stairs.
"Isn't it supposed to be the bride on the actual wedding day?" I ask.
"Not anymore," she says and pulls me into her room.
"I want you to wear my necklace," she pulls it out. It's diamond and beautiful.
"Grandma, I can't," I object.
"Of course you can. It gets passed down in our family. My mother gave it to me, her mother to her, and so on. It would mean the world to me if you would wear it," I nod, and she puts it on me.
I start tearing up.
"Oh, I have your birthday present," I say and grab the bag.
She pulls out a locket with our picture in it.
"It's beautiful. Thank you. Now go get ready," she says and pushes me out the door.
I go to Clara's room, and they are already ready.
"Sage! We have your dress picked out for you," Clara says excitedly.
I really don't like being the center of attention, but I smile anyways.
Morgan comes out of the bathroom holding a beautiful dress.
It's a white snug-fitting dress with lace designs on the shoulders.
"Is that your necklace? It's gorgeous," Clara says.
"It's my grandmother's," I tell them.
We all smile.
"Let's go have some fun," Clara says, and we all walk to the living room.
Before we get there, Grandma pulls me back in the hallway.
Clara and Morgan smile at me and go to the party.
"You have to wait for your fiancé," she says.
Soon, Isaac comes down the stairs wearing a new white suit.
He looks handsome, and I smile at him.
Maybe this will work.
"Usually the bride is the one getting pampered," I joke, and he laughs.
"You look beautiful, sweetheart," he compliments.
"Says Mr. Handsome," I smile.
"Are you ready?" He asks looking out at the party.
"As ready as I'll ever be," I say nervously.
I hope Grandma didn't invite the whole city.
Isaac holds out his arm for me to take.
When I do, he leads me to the party.
She did it.
The whole family is here.
More people to convince.
We go over to Morgan, Clara, Brandon, and Garrick who are talking to my aunt Tonia.
"Hey, guys," I say.
"There's the lovely couple!" Aunt Tonia exclaims.
"Isaac, this is my aunt Tonia. She gave me the present you saw," I mumble the last part, and he turns bright red.
Morgan and Clara apparently heard it and turn pale.
"Nice to meet you," he says, and she hugs him.
Clara and Morgan pull me to the side.
"How did he see what she got you?" They ask and quickly look down and touch my stomach, "Oh my cheesecake!"
"He looked in the bag!" I say, and they sigh in relief, "You guys think I'm that stupid?"
"We just wanted to make sure," Morgan says, and I go back to Isaac.
"Now go mingle," Aunt Tonia says and gives us a little push.
I see Veronica and pull Isaac to her.
"Veronica!" I say and give her a hug.
"Sage!" She says, "This must be the lucky guy."
"This is Isaac," I say, "Isaac, this is my best friend, Veronica."
She gives him a hug and says, "Looks like your grandma invited everyone in Ruby."
"Sure looks that way," I say grimacing, "I kind of hoped it would be something a little smaller."
"Hey, it'll be fun," she says, "I'm going to go get something to eat."
We go around to a couple more people. They all hug him.
When we get far enough away, Isaac whispers, "What is it with your family and hugging?"
"When you're a family, you hug," I say like it's obvious.
Then, Grandma comes over to us.
"Time for you to make your speech," she says.
"Speech?" We both ask.
"Of course. It's tradition," she says and then yells, "Okay everyone. The lovebirds would like to say something!"
Everyone looks at us.
I guess we have to.
"Hi, everybody. Thanks for coming out today, and thank you for everything. This is the best family I could ever have. I miss you guys so much when I'm gone. I can't believe I'm getting married, but thank you for all your support," I say and nudge Isaac.
He gets the hint and says, "I know I just met all of you, but you made me feel like family. Soon I will be. Thank you all for coming out today and like Sage said. This is the best family ever."
They clap, and Grandma has tears in her eyes. I can't believe they bought that.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Clara has a glass cup and knife in her hands.
Oh, she better not!
She taps the knife against her glass.
Now she's done it.
Everyone starts chanting, "Kiss! Kiss!"
Isaac kisses me on the cheek, but Grandma yells, "A real one!"
Grandma! I mean, what?
We have no choice.
He leans in and kisses me.
It reminds me of Paris. We were forced to kiss, and I'm still not sure if I liked it or not.
We both blush and look away.
Everyone goes back to their conversations, and Grandma pulls us both to a couch.
We sit down, and people crowd around.
"We want to hear how he proposed!" Grandpa says and everyone nods.
We look at each other nervously.
"How he proposed?" I ask slowly and everyone nods again.
"Sage just loves telling it, so," Isaac says and waits for me to tell it.
"Umm...well when I finally said yes, I said no the first time, we were kind of in a fight. I was going to move for a college honors program, and he didn't want me to leave. I had to go early if I wanted the spot, so I wouldn't finish senior year."
"I realized I couldn't live without her, so I rushed to the airport. She was just about to go through security," Isaac says.
"He yells my name and runs to me," I say.
"I stand-" he starts, but I cut him off.
"He kneels," I say.
"Like a man," he adds.
"He said, 'Sage, darling, I can't live without you. You're my sunshine, my life, and you're my best friend. Please don't leave," I say.
"And she says, 'Isaac, baby, I have to go. I love you, but if we want a future together I have to get a degree and then a job,'" he says, and I try not to strangle him.
This is the sappiest, cheesiest, and most fake story ever.
"He says, 'Will this make a difference?' He pulls out the most beautiful ring and says, 'Sage I love you to the moon and back. You're my snowflake. Won't you fall for me? You're my dancing partner through life. Will you make me the happiest guy in the world and be my wife?'" I say, and some of my cousins sigh happily.
"Then, she says, 'I love you so much. You're my moon in the sky. I'll follow you where ever you go. I'll be your snowflake and fall if you'll be there to catch me. I want you to dance with me through our lives. Of course I'll marry you.' She starts crying, and I pick her up, and we go home," he says.
I roll my eyes. I think we're just trying to embarrass each other now.
"That's the best story ever!" Aunt Tonia says.
"Well, that's how it happened," I say awkwardly.
"How did it happen the first time?" Someone asks.
Why did I say I said no the first time?
"Well, we were having dinner in a moonlit garden," I say trying to make something up.
"I help her up and lead her toward the middle of the garden," he says.
"I turn away for a minute and when I look back," I start.
"I'm kneeling down," he says.
"On rose petals. He pulls out a ring and says, 'Sage I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Please make me the happiest guy ever and marry me?'" I say.
"She looks shocked and says, 'Isaac, I'm just not ready for that. Maybe in a few months. Can we still be together?'" He says dramatically.
"He says, 'Of course, darling. If you need more time I understand.' That's how it happened," I say hoping they believe it.
"I can't believe you said no," grandma says shocked.
"I was only eighteen!" I say defensively.
Why am I so defensive about it?
They finally leave us alone, and we get something to eat.
"I love the part where you kneeled down on rose petals in the middle of the garden,'" I say smirking.
"I like the part where you said 'I'll be your snowflake and fall, if you'll be there to catch me,'" he says.
I roll my eyes and spot Clara by the door.
"I'll be right back," I say and quickly walk away before he can say anything.
"Hey, Clara," I say, and she looks nervous.
"You're not still mad about the whole kiss thing are you?" She asks.
"Mad? No. About to claw your eyes out right now? Maybe," I say.
"It was just a joke. By the way I loved the story about how he proposed. How did anyone buy that?" She asks laughing.
"To be honest, I have no idea," I say laughing too. As we talk, Morgan eventually wanders over to us.
"How many people are in your family again?" She whines. I laugh and so does Clara.
"Hey, you don't have to remember all their names," she sticks her tongue out.
"I miss it just being us sometimes," Clara says sentimentally.
"I know what you mean. Life was a whole lot simpler," I agree.
"And less fun, Ms. Killjoy," Morgan adds glaring lovingly.
"Ms. Killjoy also saves your butt every time," I glare back.
"Truce?" She asks hopefully.
"I don't do truce. You'll get what's coming later," I laugh as she looks a little panicked.
I look at the clock. It's midnight.
Someone loudly clears their throat, "Excuse me everyone! Sage, Isaac, I want to offer you my congratulations," Aunt Tonia is standing by grandma, "I've been told you two are amazing dancers. Since most of us probably won't make it to your wedding, we would love you to demonstrate your first dance together."
"Have fun, Ms. Killjoy," Morgan mumbles.
I panic for a few seconds, but immediately calm down when I find Isaac's light blue eyes in the crowd looking at me. This is one thing we can do well together.  We walk to the middle of the room where they've made a circle for us to dance in.
He arrives the same time I do, "Ready, sweetheart? This is the one thing we're good at."
I smile putting my arms around his neck. He slips his hands on my hips, both of us swaying to the music that magically started playing. Grandma is pretty close to a fairy godmother, so I guess it counts. The music starts to speed up.
"Want to spice it up?" I ask him. His eyes twinkle with excitement.
"Let's do it," he replies taking one of my hands in his. He spins me around, then picks me up dramatically spinning us both. The music slows back down, and he gently kisses my lips as he dips me. All part of the act, but I have to ask myself, do I like it? We stay like that for a few seconds longer than we probably should. Everyone cheers as we stand back up. I curtsy, and he bows.
"Maybe if we act tired, they'll all go home," he whispers in my ear.
We walk over to Grandma and I say, "Grandma, the party is great, but I'm so tired. Is it okay if we just go on up to bed?"
She nods and yells, "The lovebirds are tired, so they would like to say goodbye to everyone and thanks for coming!"
We wave and walk to the stairs. When we reach them he picks me up bridal style as the women squeal. They're so easy. So romantic. So unrealistic. I guess I missed out on that.
He sets me gently on the bed.
"Well, that sure was something," he says.
I go to the bathroom and put on my pajamas.
When I come out he doesn't have a shirt on. Wow...well he has abs. Wait, what?
Everything he said downstairs was just pretend.
"Sage? You're staring," he says, smiling.
I blush.
"I was just thinking," I say and jump on the bed.
"About what?" He asks..
I can't tell him what I'm really thinking about so I say, "Umm...just how we're going to defeat Will."
He looks disappointed and lies on top of the covers.
"I'll wake you up if you have a nightmare," he whispers, "I know you were checking me out."
"In your dreams," I snort and he rolls his eyes.
He's soon asleep.
I put his arm around me again.
For some reason, I feel safe with him.
Then, I drift off to sleep.

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