Chapter 16

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*Clara's Pov*

I wish we could stay here forever.
Sage and Isaac could get married for real. Although, Sage would definitely object.
Morgan and Garrick would start planning their wedding.
I hope everything doesn't have to change when we get back.
Sage and Isaac looked happy when we got back to the hotel. Well, Isaac did. Sage had fallen asleep in his arms. That surprises me. She doesn't usually let her guard down that easily. I also saw she was wearing a ring!
We are leaving today. I wish we didn't have to, but we have school tomorrow.
We check out and go to the jet.
We all wash out the dye and take out the contacts.
Everyone looks kind of sad that we're leaving.
Isaac, Morgan, and Garrick are asleep.
Isaac's head is on Sage's shoulder and Morgan and Garrick are leaning on each other. Sage is still awake, but has her headphones on.
"Hey, Clara?" Brandon says.
"Yes?" I say.
"I had a great time this weekend," he says smiling.
"Me too. I wish it didn't have to end," I admit sadly.
"Maybe a part of it doesn't have to," he says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something," he says nervously, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I look at him shocked and he blushes.
"Of course I will!" I practically yell.
I look at Sage and she smirks.
She heard the whole thing.
Brandon smiles and I put my head on his shoulder.
It's so nice to just do this all the time. No school, homework, responsibilities. I wish we could stay in Paris.
Eventually, I fall asleep...

~Sage's Pov~

I hear Clara and Brandon talking, so I turn off my music.
Brandon just asked Clara out. This can't happen. They'll be distracted and we can't afford that. No one except Ms. Melody, Mr. Song, and I know what must really happen on this mission. We have two easy stops to learn to work together before we complete the mission or all fall at the hands of Will Black III. He's so much more dangerous now. If we lose, the whole world loses. It's my personal mission to assassinate him, no matter the cost.
Clara and Brandon are easy targets as it is. If they're distracted...
I wonder if this will work though.
I mean, it's hard enough at school, because we hated each other. We have to live together and on missions, they can't be distracted.
I don't want to see her heart broken. If I have to I will beat Brandon up, but I don't really want to.
He's become like a little brother to me.
Clara used to tell me he was a player.
Hopefully, he's changed.
The next thing I know I'm drifting off to sleep...

"Sweetheart, wake up!" Someone says, "We're landing."
I open my eyes and realize it's Isaac.
And I'm on his lap! Again.
"I'm still not your sweetheart," I reply.
He grins and I look at everyone else. How does this always happen? I think he does it on purpose just to spite me.
They're looking out the windows.
At least I didn't have a nightmare. That would have been awful. Clara and Morgan don't know about them, because they would say I need to go see a doctor or something.
I'm going to miss Paris.
Once we land, we go in the agency building.
Mr. Song and Ms. Melody are waiting for us.
"Good work, agents," Mr. Song says.
"Autumn needs the location you found on the henchman's badge," Ms. Melody says.
"It said Hollywood, California, on it," I say.
"Wonderful! Now you're free to go. Tomorrow after school come here and train," she says.
We nod and leave.
Once we get home, we unpack and eat lunch.
After that, Brandon and Clara come up to me.
"We would like your permission to date," they say together smiling.
"Of course! I'm happy for you guys, but if you ever hurt her I will break you!" I say smiling.
He looks a little scared, but they both hug me.
"Guys! We have an announcement!" Brandon yells.
They all look at us.
"Clara and I are dating," Brandon says and Clara smiles. She looks so happy.
"And Sage approves and already threatened him, so we're good!" Clara says.
Everyone laughs.
"We should celebrate!" Morgan says.
Everyone agrees. We finally decide to have a picnic in the park for dinner.
Once everything is in the truck, we head out.
Isaac and I race again. This time it is a tie.
I take Brandon and Clara's hands and pull them to a little gazebo.
I hand them a picnic basket and say, "Have fun!"
When I get back, there are two blankets set out. Morgan and Garrick are on one and Isaac is waiting for me on another.
"Hey," I say smiling.
"What are you so happy about?" He asks.
"I just set up Clara and Brandon's first date!" I say.
"I really hope it works out," he says.
"What do you mean?" I ask eating my peanut butter sandwich.
"Brandon is or was a player. He broke a lot of hearts. If he does that to Clara..." He trails off.
"I'll break him," I finish.
"I know he really likes her," he says, "I just hope he doesn't do something stupid."
We finish eating and go exploring.
The woods are quiet. It's a nice place to just come and think.
"So you never told me anything else about your powers," he says after a while.
"I can't tell you. I'm sorry," I say sadly.
"Why not?" He asks concerned.
"I don't want to hurt you," I say backing away.
"You won't hurt me. I promise," he says.

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