Mutual jealousy

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Saire’s POV


“Sa-” his phone started ringing and he pulled it out of his pocket

“Oh shi- it’s work I-I have to go”

“Okay it was nice meeting you! Once again sorry for your shirt”  he smiled at me and walked out of the bathroom. I was about to follow him when he bust back through the doors out of breath.

“Sorry… c-can I get your number”

I tried not to start bouncing on my feet, but it didn’t work so well. \

“My names samuel by the way, but you call call me sam” he chuckled

“Okay..sam” I smiled and gave him my number

“Bye saire” he winked

“Bye sam”

Flashback over

I woke up hot...I mean very hot. I used to wake up code, alone, and tired. I slept on a white twin bed, barely had a mattress more like a pad. Thin white sheets, and a small room with no windows.I got used to the coldness, the emptiness, the feeling of being alone. 

In the past I used to like crowds, parties, meeting new people, laughing, smiling, annoying people with my ADHD. But after what happen-

“Hey baby you up?” Gabriel asked


“Mm the others are sleeping…”

Oh shi- I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he just gripped me tighter

“Don’t you miss my touch”

He moved his hand towards my thigh

“No...don’t you miss our touch” Jackson woke up and whispered in my ear

I felt hands on my legs and looked down to see Ryan

“Shit” I breathed

“Tut tut tut bad word baby” Gabriel said

Jackson started nibbling and sucking on my neck, while Ryan kissed up my thighs. I started to speak, but was cut off with Gabriels lips. He grabbed my hair and tugged on it making me open my mouth and moan.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth and deepened the kiss. Ryan pulled down my boxers and grabbed my manhood. I opened my mouth to protest, but Jackson started sucking on my sweet spot shutting me up instantly 


“You missed us baby?” Gabriel breathed


I moaned loudly when Ryan wrapped his lips around my manhood. My breathing got heavier with Jackson leaving hickies everywhere on my pale skin, Gabriel kissing and choking me, and Ryan-

“Ugh fuc-” Gabriel cut off the word with his mouth. Ryan sucked faster and moaned around my manhood making me buck my hips up. I almost screamed when he started deepthroating, but gabriel muffled my moans

“We don’t need to wake anyone in the house do we?”



“Tell me what’s wrong kaiden” michael asked again well more like demanded



Well shit


“Kai- fuck that”

Before I could ask what he meant he was straddling me

“W-wha bájate el infierno de mí” (get the hell off me)

“I don’t understand a word you just said, but I don’t care”

“MICHEAL!” I yelled when he leaned down and started sucking on my neck

“Yes baby?” 

“Ngh s-sto-”

“You sure”

I didn’t answer

“Thought so”

He ran his hand down my chest and slipped it into my shorts

“Fuck” I breathed

He bit my neck making me moan out

“So you gonna tell me..hmm?”



He started palming me faster, making me buck my hips up. He used his free hand to hold my waist to the bed and stopped moving his hand.

I glared at him “why the fu-”

“Are you gonna tell me?”


He squeezed my manhood and I coughed out a moan


He moved his hand again faster...faster...faster...and faster until I cried out my release

“I felt left out”

Time skip////

Saire POV

Do you miss me?


Do you still love me?


Haha aren't I your first love

Fuck off

since the mental ward I’ve been hearing him less and less but when I do god it sucks.

His Name

His Face

His voice

They all make me want to puke or jump off a bridge. I’ve tried the second one it didn’t work. Some asshole saved I calling them an asshole because they saved me life? Yes..why? Because I didn’t want to be saved.

Am I fine now? Fine is a little far fetched, but we can go with that. Maybe I would be better if kaiden wasn’t here. They’ve touched him...i can smell it, and it disgust me they should only touch me.Not the guy like me

Authors note: This book is going to revolve around Kaiden and saire mostly saire to get to his backstory. Steamy chapter isn't it? There basically fighting for the guys... anywayysss do you guys like the chapters?

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