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Tw: Nightmare

Author's note: School ended thursday and I'm finally on summer break. My apologies for the slightly late update I haven't been feeling well nor have I been in the mood to write. I felt like I was focusing to much on kaiden and saire so I kind've through this in their which I will be doing a lot more. Btw you will not understand any of these two scenes unless you came from perdoname

Jackson POV

Darkness...I can’t see….voices...scaring me...his eyes...watching me...fear...building inside of me...body...shaking from head to toe. I can’t see...someone turn on the lights please. As If reading my thoughts the lights snapped on. 




Turn them back off...the darkness was better for me, but this time my wish was denied. Trembling like a leaf in the wind. Sweat building like I’m fresh out of a sauna. It’s them...god it’s them. The man who raped me and the women who sat and watched. Both staring at me with sinister smiles on their faces, bodies burned to a crisp.

“Hey son you miss us?”

The man I called my father asked. I could smell the alcohol coming off his breath from where I was standing. He started walking towards me, and I heard a scraping sound before a chair appeared behind my mother and she sat down. I looked back towards my father and realized...I have to go. 

When I tried to move my feet I heard chains rattle and panicked...then I tried my arms and realized they were now tied behind my back.

“It’s still your fault you know?”

He whispered now close to my ear. I shook my head from side to side eyes closed yelling at myself inside my head to wake the fuck up, because it’s not real. He lifted up his burnt hand and smacked me across the face. I screamed when I started getting quick flashbacks from everything he’s said or done to me. 

I opened my eyes just in time to see both him and my mother disappearing, before waking up screaming. I started sobbing

Someone burst through my bedroom door, but I couldn’t see who it was through my tears. I felt someone sit behind me before wrapping their arms around me and rocking us back and forth.

“Shhh baby it was just a nightmare”


“N-no…” I shook my head body violently shaking “i-it was so m-much more t-than th-hat”

He didn’t say anything and just held me silently.

“Go to sleep bubs”

When I closed my eyes their burnt bodies flashed in my head and I jumped up crying again.

“Okay okay come on we don’t have to sleep”

He got up and picked me up princess style. I pushed myself more into his chest, eyes wide open afraid of seeing anymore of them while he walked down the stairs. He sat on the couch placing me in his lap before turning on the tv.

Paw patrol started playing and I faintly smiled at him before focusing on the tv. He kissed my forehead and leaned back with me following him. After a while I turned to look at his sleeping face. I soon followed after with no problems.


Justin’s POV

*ring ring ring*

I patted around my bed for my phone before picking it up and putting it infront of my face. I closed my eyes when the brightness was up to high and opened them again to see a unknown number calling

“Hello” I mumbled


“Umm hello”


“The fuck”

“I’ve missed your voice Justin….” 

My eyes widened in shock


He chuckled… “glad you remember me Justin”

“Of course I remember you, but why the fuck are you calling me”

“Woah” he laughed “watch who you're talking to need to get on my bad side now right?

I stayed silent 

“That’s what I thought…”

“Why are you calling me?” I repeated

“Well....we miss you”

“Boss you know very much well more than anyone else when you leave the city you leave the gang. You haven’t called in months so what’s the real reason you're calling?”

“You always have been smart Justin…” he started “your brother is to” he finished 

“Stay away from my brother ashton…” I hissed

“Oh? We’re going by first names now I must’ve hit a spot” 

I stayed silent 

“Well I was just checking up on you both, no need to get hostile…”

“Mhm” I responded before hanging up and calling my brother…


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