is it getting hot in here?

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Saires POV

I tackled Micheal to the floor straddling him while he pretended to be scared. Jackson, Kaiden, and Reese were talking in the background, but I was only focused on what Micheal whispered in my ear.

"Why don't you straddle me in another way"

He whispered into my ear. I shivered and he smirked before sitting up with me still straddling him. He stood up with no problem, my legs wrapped around his waist before going to my room. He closed the door with his feet, hands gripping my ass before throwing me onto the bed.

I landed with a bounce and pulled myself up onto my elbows. He was staring down at me, eyes dark, and filled with lust. I stared right back and started undressing myself.

Nothing wrong with a little tease...

When I got to my boxers I slowly pulled them down all while keeping eye contact with him. Anger and lust....exactly what I like

"Saire" he growled

"Yes?" I tilted my head and got on all fours in front of him staring directly at his hard on.

"You hungry?" he asked


He undressed and told me to stay like a damn dog. He stood back infront of me and grabbed my hair before leading me towards his length.

"Open" he ordered

And I did. He groaned as soon as my tongue touched his tip. I relaxed my mouth and let him go until he hit the back of my throat. He stopped and breathed in before mouth fucking me.

"Shiiit" he dragged out

We kept eye contact until he threw his head back and groaned. He slid his length out of my mouth, a trail of spit connecting us before thrusting back in. I moaned around him and he groaned

"Fuck...I'm gonna-"

He filled my mouth with his seed before sliding out.

"Swallow" he commanded

His voice was low and deep, and he stared right into my eyes while I swallowed what he gave me. He pushed me back against the bed and kissed me. Leaving hickies all over my neck and chest making me a moaning mess. He flipped me over onto my stomach

"All fours"

I grabbed a pillow and did as he said. I heard the cap of the lube being popped off before he lubed both me and him. I felt his finger against my entrance and held my breath

"Relax baby..." he kissed my shoulder

I relaxed and felt him push his finger into me. God have I missed the feeling. He thrusted his finger in and out of me, making me shiver and moan. I pushed my ass back against his finger when he added two more. I whined when he took his fingers out of me, and he chuckled

"Needy huh baby?"


I felt his tip against my entrance and waited, but nothing happened. I turned to look at him, and as soon as we made eye contact he thrusted into me. My breath got caught in my throat and my eyes rolled back.

"Fuck" I choked out

One hand laid flat on my back while his other was wrapped around my throat. The room was filled with his groans and my moans while he fucked me doggy style. I felt that familiar clenching in my stomach-

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