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I Gasped and twisted whoever just slapped me across the face arm. When I looked up it was Jackson...oh shit. He was about to storm out, but I pulled him back by his waist.

"Wait baby I'm sorry" I mumbled into his ear

He didn't say anything, so I tightened my grip on his waist.

"I'm sorry..." he said

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry..." he said louder


He tried to pull away from me, but I once again tightened my grip

"Slapping you" he muttered

"Mhm, and I forgive you. You forgive me?"


"...yes what?"

"Yes daddy"

I smirked and licked a line down his neck, making him shiver. I started trailing kisses around his neck before leaving 3 hickies going down towards his shoulder. He was heavily breathing, but that didn't stop him from ruining the moment, and asking

"What were you thinking about"

I sighed and sat back down on the bed, but smirked when he whimpered.

"I was just stressing, Baby...this daddy-dom thing is harder than I thought. It's different from how I do it with you guys. That's sexual...this is something completely different."

I glared at the door like it somehow ruined my life before Jackson moved into my view, and crawled on top of me.

"Well...we can start by not hating the door, but Let me make it better" he whispered before pulling down my fitted boxers.

I gasped when he grasped me into his hand, and started stroking my very much already hard on.

"Shit baby you don't ha-"

"Shhhhh" he said..well more like demanded

I watched him move his head towards my member still stroking me, all while keeping direct eye contact. I bit my lip and threw my head back, before groaning when his warm mouth covered my member. I groaned again making eye contact with him while he bobbed his head up and down

I gasped when he started deepthroating, and I lifted my arm to hold his head down. Drool started falling from his mouth covering my shaft turning me on even more. I lightly tugged on his hair telling him to move. Instead He took his mouth off of me with a string of saliva connecting his mouth and my member.

He stroked me slowly...teasing me. Letting me hear the sound of his hand on my cum, and saliva covered member. And boy did it sound amazing

I had enough of his teasing and shoved his head back down against my head. He licked over the tip making me groan before taking me all the way into his mouth again. I bucked when my tip hit the back of his throat, and moaned while my stomach clenched.

"fuck....I'm gonna cum baby"

He looked up at me, and gagged when he went too fast/far. That noise alone made me cum down his throat, body clenching, and mouth wide open. He looked me dead in my eyes and swallowed what I gave him

I smirked....

"Your turn"


Saires POV

Time skip/////

I was in the kitchen with Ryan talking about how annoying all the boys were except for Jackson of course. We were mocking them, and even had on their clothes. It was obvious he was helping me keep my mind off the little boy thing, but I needed to face it eventually. Especially since my dom was literally one of my boyfriends.

Me, and Kaiden actually never really made it official though...We or I just kinda assumed after the trust built. Which is fine with me

Kaiden, Jay, and Justin walked into the kitchen. Jay went straight to the fridge, and Justin kissed me before walking towards Ryan. Leaving me with Kaiden...I'd rather be paired with the fridge.



"Did you eat?"

I didn't respond

"Did you eat?" he repeated in the same tone

I nodded this time




I put my head down

"I don't except lying Saire"

Ouch...that hurt. I really got use to kitten huh.

"Why'd you lie?"

"I-I'm sorry..." I whispered

"mm...Did you eat kitten?"


"No, what?"

"sir...No sir"

"That's better" he smiled

I would die for the smile...I think anyone in the house would, and he knows that.

"Okay sit down I'm gonna make you something"

My stubborn side was telling me to decline, but the other side moved my feet towards the stool, and planted my but on it without a word. I talked with Justin while he cooked. After a while everyone started piling into the kitchen so I guess he just decided to cook for everyone

He handed Micheal his plate first and smacked his hand when he reached for something off his place. He took the hint to not touch it until everyone got their plates, but ate a tater tot when Kaiden turned around. After everyone got their plates, Kaiden smacked Micheal upside his head before sitting next to me.

"W-what the fuck kaiden!"

" ate a tater tot"


I smiled, when everyone started talking

"Thankyou" I said to Kaiden

"No hay problema gatito" (no problem kitten)

I started eating my food not really focused on the comverstion around me, before kaiden started talking again

"oh by the way..." he started


"will you be my boyfriend?" he smirked

I choked on my tater tot and All the boys stopped talking to look at me holding their breath Like I would say no or something



Authors note: hey

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