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Tw: eating disorder, and puking


Saire's pov

Everything has kinda been going back to normal. Kaiden is still grieving, but he isn't angry anymore. Our relationship hasn't moved up or down since all that went down. The house hasnt really been sexually active besides oral sex. Don't get me wrong I'm not there was never really a right time for it.

Besides that of course my eating problem, and urge to harm myself has gotten worse. The nightmares and flashbacks are coming back harder than they were before, and I feel like...they mean something. I try not to focus too much on them and try to focus on the boys. I'm once again sitting at the table with a plate full of food, but just me and kaiden this time.

I avoided eye contact and shrunk into my seat. I heard his chair scrape and him washing his plate before he sat in the chair next to me. I still kept my eyes on the disgusting food. I jumped when he slid his cold hands under my shirt and around my waist before lifting me up and setting me on his lap. I tensed and blushed. He ran his fingers up and down my arm trying to relax me, and used his other hand to slide the plate towards us.

I gagged when he lifted a spoonful of mac to my lips.

"Please kitten...:" he whispered

Seriously what the hell is wrong with me. I told myself not to trust him...not to like him. But look at me now, ass planted on his lap while he tries to get me to eat. I'm naturally submissive and when any of my boyfriends use a dominating tone I obviously follow unless it's a stubborn day, but..there's something different about kaiden. He make me want to go somewhere entirely different which I don't understand yet

I ate half my plate with him rubbing my back and praising me before I felt that familiar feeling rising up my throat. I jumped off Kaiden's lap ignoring his calls after me and dropped to the floor in front of the toilet before emptying everything I just ate out. I heard Kaiden sigh from the door and hated myself for disappointing him when he was only trying to help.

"i'-m sorry" I choked

He grabbed a rag and cleaned my mouth before sitting on the floor and pulling me between his legs.

"You don't have to apologize kitten I get it" he whispered

I relaxed my body into him and leaned my head back to his chest. I started to feel sleepy and noticed his heartbeat evening out after a while, so I just fell asleep.

Jackson's POV


Me and Micheal laughed and awed while taking pictures of the two figures sitting on the bathroom floor knocked out. Saire was between Kaiden's legs with his head against his chest, and Kaiden had his arm wrapped around saire's waist. Saire stretched and opened his eyes. His eyes looked different...brighter, but I didn't comment on it, an instead watched as he blushed before glaring at us

"Oh shit" michael said

We both ran out the bathroom and down the hall screaming with Saire chasing us. I saw Reese and instantly ran up to him and hid behind him pointing to Saire.


Saire gasped and I laughed before I was pushed from behind Reese, and onto the the open. And their was Mr. Big and bad Micheal laughing at me hiding behind reese keeping sight of saire

Oh shit saire-

I looked towards where he was and tried to run, but it was too late. He pulled me back by my feet.

"Ow carpet burn" I pouted

Reese pushed Micheal from behind him and stood against the wall with a smirk.

"W-what the fu-" Saire tackled Micheal to the ground before he could finish, and I used the chance to get up, but realized--


He just laughed while straddling Micheal who was pretending to be scared.

"Wow I did not expect to wake up not only on the bathroom floor, but to all this"

I loved seeing kaiden was so rare, and so beautiful. In fact we all loved it and he knew we did giving him an advantage. Reese walked towards Kaiden and gave him a long kiss before walking down the stairs to I guess make dinner.

"Umm kaiden?" I started


"C-could you know? Untie me"

He laughed before I felt my legs getting released

"Thank the lord" I sighed

"I didn't know I was the bed yeah, but I appreciate the compliment" he smirked

I blushed and looked back to where saire and michael were noticing they weren't there. Probably in one of the rooms, and a loud moan confirmed my assumptions. Kaiden laughed, and pulled me into his room.

"Come on baby I wanna hear you scream lord have mercy"

Good gracious macaroni...he must be in a good mood.


Authors note: credit to rima369 for the idea on my last chapter in the comments that I'm going to try and accomplish. ALso Do you guys want the smut on this chapter or fine with this?

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