Chapter 15

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I stared at a photo on Mary's mantel, chanting the Collins boys' names: John, Steve, Pete, Michael, and Billy. I had met them a few times, and the differences between Billy and his brothers always struck me. They were more boisterous and outgoing. Tim fit in with them much better, barring that his blond hair was in stark contrast to the dark brown hair the brothers shared.

"Hey," Tess' voice was low so that she wouldn't startle me, but I still jumped.

"Hey, sorry," I gave her a quick hug in greeting.

"So, my husband has been getting a lot of late-night calls and texts." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry, I'll stop."

"I'm not mad that you're reaching out to him; I'm bothered that you're only reaching out to him. I know you and Tim have something special, but I'm here if you need me."

"Thanks, Tess. You may regret that, though."

"There are my girls." Tim snuck up and wrapped his arms around us both. "Studying, Lil," he nodded to the photo.

"Guilty, John, Steve, Pete, Michael, Billy," I deftly listed.

"Seems like you're ready for the boys. How are you doing on the wives?"

"Fuck," my mind whirled. "Umm, Tess."

"Okay, I'm offended that I'm in the wives category," Tess argued.

"Sorry, going for the easy win," I admitted. "Is there a Wendy?"

"No," Tim's brows furrowed in a way that I knew I was way off.

"Wait, John's wife is Allison, and she goes by Ally," I remembered.

"Close; Pete's wife is Ally. John's wife is Abby," Tim corrected.

"Fuck, I'm screwed," I admitted in defeat.

"New plan. One of us will stay with you and use the person's name when everyone gets here," Tess declared. "No awkward encounters."

"That'd be amazing," I breathed out with relief. "But don't overuse their names and make it obvious." I glared at Tim.

"Really? Partners in crime for so many years, and you now question my skills? But that means you have to stay close. No chasing any moody boys." Tim gave me a fatherly glare back at me.

"Rude," but as I spoke, Viv and Jackson burst through the front door in the middle of a fight about chores.

"Hey guys, sounds like you had a fun time at your mom's," Tim teased.

"Ugh, Mom keeps moving everything around my room," Viv complained.

"She's not moving things around, Viv. She's cleaning, probably because she doesn't want rats," Jackson shot at her.

"It's not that bad," Viv fought.

"You'd never leave your room like that at dad's house." Jackson slumped down on the couch.

"Well, this is an old friend, Lily," Tess introduced.

"Lily." Viv let out a laugh. "Like, Lily, Lil, Lily?" Viv fell to the couch next to her brother. "This should be fun."

"Viv, don't be a bitch," Jackson chided as Billy entered the front door.

"Hey, don't call your sister that," Billy immediately scolded.

"We were just introducing Lily," Tim added, as an explanation.

"Do you guys remember her?" Billy said as he met my eyes in an even tone. "She's an old friend who stayed with us for a while when you were young." He added as he paced across the room to me and gave me an awkward side hug.

Better Than Nothing: Part 3 of On the Edge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now