Chapter 22

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The blaring of Billy's alarm and an empty bed startled me awake.

"Morning." Billy ducked his head out of the bathroom as he dried his hair with a towel.

"You're up early," I said through a stretch.

"I've been getting up at 5:30 am since Viv started school. No alarm necessary."


"Good morning," he added again, as he leaned over and gave me a lingering kiss.

"Sorry for my morning breath," I mumbled as my eyes surveyed him.

He was only wearing black pants and still drying his dark, wiry hair as he stood up. My eyes clung to his arms, then his collarbone, before coursing down his torso to where his pants hung low on his hips.

"Will you stop staring at my pasta pouch? You're making me self-conscious."

"I can't help it; it's so cute!"

"It's gone. I'm losing the pouch," he grumbled as he tugged on a black t-shirt.

"No, I love it so much." I popped out of bed and wrapped my arm around him. "Please."

"Sorry, it's gone."

"What if I stop mentioning it?" I pleaded.

"No, I'll still catch you eyeing it. Get dressed. I gotta get you home," Billy shot before slipping out of the room.

I quickly dressed and followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Billy slumped at the kitchen counter, reading the newspaper. His shoulders were rolled in the poor posture that defined him, the person he hid from the world.

"Hello, again," I murmured as he slid an arm around me and pulled me to his side as the newspaper fell to the counter.

"Morning, again."

I downed the last of his black coffee before leaning in for a kiss.

"You ready?" He asked as he rested his head on my chest for a moment.

"I suppose I have to be, or I'll be late for work. I wish I could stay here with you all day."

"Me too, Lil," but he pulled himself from his stool as he spoke.

I leaned against the island and watched as Billy poured the rest of the coffee into a to-go mug. It felt normal, quiet, and soothing. It was the little things I had missed most: helping me with my coat, taking my hand as he slowed the pace of his long legs so we could walk together, and holding doors for me. Tailoring his life to me was like breathing for Billy and oxygen for me.

I leaned into him as he drove. My body was growing comfortable with the console pressing into my ribs. It meant I was that much closer to Billy, like a flower reaching for the sun.

"How are we doing now?" I murmured.

"Hey, that's my question," he let out a croak of a laugh.

"I'm happy," I sighed with contentment.

"Me too," he agreed. "Can I see you tonight?"

"Of course, but don't rent out a movie theater or anything," I cautioned.

"You have something in mind?"

"Quiet night at home?"

"Yeah, we can do that. I'll pick you up on my way home from work."

Billy paused at Mary's front door and pulled me close to him. "I had a great time last night, Lil."

"Me too. Thank you for renting out all of Duluth," I teased.

Better Than Nothing: Part 3 of On the Edge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now