Chapter 30

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Billy Collins was making breakfast when I got to the kitchen. He had played sold-out stadiums, won countless awards, and had written some of the most well-known songs in the world, but at that moment, he was burning his fingertips on toast that had just popped from the toaster. His lips accented the moment with a silent curse as the toast clattered to a plate.

"Are we having avocado toast?" I teased from behind him.

"Never," he shot without looking at me. Instead, he focused on making sure the eggs weren't burning.

"Looks like you've advanced beyond peanut butter toast," I added as I looked at the spread he was creating.

"Honestly, if I smeared peanut butter on that, it's all Viv would eat." I could see a dimple prick his cheek at the jest.

"Hey," I whispered, letting my hands fall to his torso. "I love lame dad."

"Good, because I spend a lot more time being a lame dad than I do a rock star these days." He leaned down for a lingering kiss before returning to the stovetop.

"Can I help?"

"Depends. Can you cook yet?"

"Um, define cook?"

"Have you learned to nourish yourself without using a phone?"

"No, I have not," I confirmed.

"Then no, you cannot help. Sit," he nodded to a stool at the kitchen island. "You still drink your coffee black, right? Or do you want tea?"

"Coffee is good, and yes, black, please."

Billy slid a mug to me. "What are your big plans today?"

"I was thinking of seeing if Timmy was free."

"Really? What do you plan to do with Tim?"

"I wanted to check out some of the record stores." The steam from my coffee danced to my face as I blew on it.

"I don't know if you know this, but I also know a thing or two about music stores."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But I thought you had big plans with bathroom tiles, and Jackson and I could use some Timmy time."

"And buying a car. Did you think I forgot?"

"Billy, I'll never accuse you of being forgetful."

"Dad, it's too early for bacon...." Viv's annoyed tone ricocheted ahead of her as she thumped down the stairs. "You know I can't sleep through bac..." Her words dropped out as her eyes fell on me.

"Morning, Vivee," Billy leaned against the counter as he focused his eyes on her.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice dripped with accusation.

"Drinking coffee?" I awkwardly offered.

"Was that a joke? Is this a joke? Did she spend the night?" Viv snapped her face to her dad.

"Yes, she did," Billy calmly nodded.

I should've known that Billy would go straight to unabashed honesty.

"Dad, she can't... you can't be serious?"

"I'm very serious and rapidly growing concerned with your tone and manners."

"But Dad, she's... she... Uncle Tim used the phrase wrecking ball."

"Uncle Tim needs to use better discretion," Billy grumbled as he tossed a dish towel down to the counter.


"Viv, give it a moment, okay? What do you want for breakfast?"

"Breakfast? Seriously, you're asking me what I want for breakfast?"

Better Than Nothing: Part 3 of On the Edge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now