Chapter 18

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"Are burritos still your go-to?" Billy asked via text.

The texts spilled back and forth throughout the first half of the week as we caught up.

"Yes, and no. I still love a good burrito, but my go-to lunch is now a cold cut Bahn Mi sandwich from this little shop by my office in Portland."

"Just looked that up; I thought you didn't like cilantro?"

"Oh, right; I ask them to hold the cilantro. You still like pad Thai and hate all things avocado?"

"Yep. Can you believe this avocado toast bullshit? What kind of person thinks mashing avocado on toast is good?"

"Hey, I like avocado toast," I defended.

"What the fuck is wrong with peanut butter, or butter, or jam? Did we need more toast toppings?"

"Apparently, we did."

A few hours later, I picked up my phone and laughed as I texted, "I don't eat Twizzlers anymore."

"Really? Why not?" Billy shot back a half-hour later.

"I found out they are dyed red using dead flies and fly eggs."

"I can't wait to tell Viv and Jackson that little nugget."

I laughed out loud at his response.

"So, what's the go-to candy now? Whoppers by default?"

"Yep. Did you know that my dad always had Whoppers on him?"

"I did not. That on the surface seems odd but also feels slightly genius."

"You pretty much just wrote my dad's biography right there: on the surface, he was odd, but also slightly genius. Also, when I was sick as a kid, he would bring me home Werther's Originals."

"I must have known that because I always pick those up for the kids, too. I've wondered where that came from." I smiled that he was carrying on the tradition as his subsequent text dinged. "I'm heading into record, so my phone will be off. I'll call you later. Call the studio if you need me. They can break into the session."

I texted an 'I love you" before I caught myself and sent a thumbs up instead.

It must have been a successful session because my phone didn't ring until Mary and I were picking up from dinner.

"Go," she shooed with a twinkle in her eye.

"Hey," I answered on the way to my office.

"Hey, how was your day?" His voice was casual, with a hint of bubbling excitement.

"Good, how was yours?"

"Good. Tim's still on me about us."

"I think he's just not speaking to me; maybe I'll call him later," I spoke more to myself. "Are you on your way home?"

"Yep, heading home to another evening of Viv talking about Chris. I'm concerned that she is studying him more than for her finals."

"First boyfriends are fun." I smiled at the bubbling feeling that felt dangerously close to how I felt every time I thought of my upcoming date with Billy.

"I have big plans for tomorrow; you aren't getting cold feet, right?" Billy asked.

"Nope, avocado toasty warm over here. What time are you picking me up?"

"Does seven work for you? I wonder if my mom will give us a curfew?"

"Who would she give the curfew to, you or me?"

Better Than Nothing: Part 3 of On the Edge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now