Chapter 31

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"Oh, so you do still have my number," Tim dramatically answered when I called him on my drive back to Mary's.

"Can you be slightly less dramatic?"

"No, I don't think I can, but I can certainly be more dramatic," he offered.

"No thanks. I have Viv for the dramatics."

"Woah, way to bury the lead there, Lilipop. You guys told Viv?"

"Well, Billy did the heavy lifting, but we're kid-official."


"Jackson was great. And Viv was..."

"Viv," Tim laughed. "Not going to lie. I like it."


"Seriously, Lil, this is a big deal. She should challenge you two."

"I thought we were over this?" My words fell out like a whine.

"We've been over this; that's very different from being over this."

"Timmy, can you please be happy for me? I need you to be happy for me." There was a pleading in my voice.

Tim heaved a sigh before adding, "are you at Mary's?"

"No, but I will be soon. I was calling to see if you want to go record shopping with Billy, Jackson, and me this afternoon."

"I do. And I'll meet you at Mary's to talk some more."


"I'll try," he highlighted. "I'll see you soon, Lil."

"Mary," I called out from the doorway and winced at myself for entering with a holler like the boys.

"In the kitchen," Mary called back in her familiar sing-song voice. "Out late or out early?" She teased as I slid onto the stool of the island.

"Sorry, I should've left a note... and late," I admitted. "Billy is a decent cook," I added.

"Only breakfast," she warned with a twinkle.

"Tim's coming over. Is that okay?"

"Lily, while you're here, this is your house. You don't need to ask me for permission to have friends over, nor do you need to ask my permission to go out." She held her hands up as if to prove that I didn't offend her in the least.

"Mary, what do you think about Billy and me?"

"You're one of my favorite people, and he's one of my favorite sons."

"Are you allowed to have favorite sons?"

"Of course, as long as they are all among the group of favorites," she giggled.

"I mean, what do you think of us together?"

As I spoke, her back was to me and slightly stiffened as I asked my direct question. It was a subtle hesitation that deflated me.

"I want to know your thoughts," I prodded.

She turned with a sigh and threw her dishtowel to the counter before leaning her elbows on it. "You two should focus on what each other thinks and stop making your relationship an episode of The Family Feud."

"But you matter. Our relationship affects you."

"It does, and I have my opinions just like everyone else, but you know what opinions help?"

"People make decisions?" I guessed.

"No, they help no one. You know how you feel about my Billy, and Billy knows how he feels about you. Those are the only facts you two need. It's all you two knuckleheads should've ever focused on."

Better Than Nothing: Part 3 of On the Edge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now