Chapter 34

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Tim and I were still bickering as we entered Mary's kitchen.

"How can he be your favorite?" I shot to Mary.

"How can I not? There's not much competition," Tim shot.

"Wait, what about me?" James put his phone down to pay attention.

"Grandkids are a different group altogether," Mary corrected.

"Oh, so I'm your favorite grandchild," James confirmed.

"Well, dear, 'favorite' is a fluid term," Mary began teasingly.

"It's not Viv, as long as it's not Viv!" James demanded. "I can't take it if it's Viv."

"Of course, it's not Viv." I shook my head to myself. I suddenly felt the entire room's eyes fall on me. "Sorry, that was one of those things I thought I said in my head, but apparently, I said in my outside voice."

"Geez, she's just like Viv," James grumbled, eliciting a laugh from the room.

"Anyway," I redirected with a bit more volume. "I just suspect I know who Mary's favorite grandkid is."

"I didn't think you were supposed to have favorites?" James argued.

"Oh, sweetie, that's just what people tell the ones that aren't their favorite," Tess corrected.

"So, who's the favorite?" James questioned.

"Viv," Tim and Tess said in unison.

"No way, it's Jackson," I argued.

"I think it's me," James offered.

"Mary, you're up," Tim prodded.

"All this talk of favorites. I love all of you." She smiled as she absently wiped down an already clean spot on the counter.

"Come on, just give us a hint of who's right," Tim poked.

Mary's eyes lifted with a twinkle and gave me a wink.

"No!" The room erupted in unison.

"I'd rather be right than the favorite!" I teased in Timmy's direction.

"That's so not true. Being the favorite is way better than being right."

"Wrong!" I stuck my tongue out at him as I spoke.

"Don't hit send," Tess' voice rose above my bickering with Tim.

"Too late," James announced.

"Oh dear, I suppose I'll be hearing about that." Mary shook her head.

Dinner passed much less eventfully, mainly because we were all too busy eating. The only exception was Tim, who paused long enough to make a case for why he should get all the leftovers.

"I'm the one that's too thin," I counterpointed his argument.

"Yeah, but you live here. You get home cooking all the time."

"Do you live here?" Mary asked in her pointed tone.

"Um, well..."

"Every night and no...." Tim's words were cut off by a loud "ow" after I kicked his shin to shut him up.

"Clearly, this is a conversation you want to have without me, which is fine because I told Dom I'd meet up with him at his place." James slid his plate away as he spoke.

"Be home by midnight," Tess conditioned.

"Of course, Mom," James gave her a quick hug and then mimicked the move with Mary.

Better Than Nothing: Part 3 of On the Edge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now