Chapter 19

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Grace's POV

Walking up to Beau's football game their are twice as many people as their normally are here. I see the cheerleaders down in the front and avoid them as I make my way through the stands and find his mom. I sit down right next to her as she hugs me and then turns to the game. I feel so guilty sitting next to her knowing what Beau and I just did and hour ago. If losing my virginity makes me feel this guilty I'm never doing it. I feel like I've done something wrong when I know I haven't.

"How was tutoring?" She asks as I nod. "Good" I tell her back as she looks back at the field. I picked up an extra job at the school tutoring more students and I really enjoy doing it, it makes me feel good about helping someone.

"Is Beau okay?" I ask her as I see him down talking to his coach. Usually he's warming up right now but he hasn't touched a football yet.

"Oh honey he'd kill me if I told you but he's been having stomach issues. Diarrhea and all that." She tells me as I laugh. She actually believed him and he's a horrible liar.

"Oh that bad huh?" I ask as she nods. "Bad girlfriend, horrible." She tells me as I laugh. I move over when his grandmother gets here and sits down on the other side of his mom and we all sit together.

"So you love him?" She asks as I watch him from afar. "What? I mean sorry ma'am?" I ask as she nods.

"You love Beau don't you?" She asks me as I nod. I do love him. "I see it on your face." She tells me as I look back at him as he finally picks up a football.

"He makes falling in love easy." I mumble as she smiles. "I knew you where the real deal when I told you about his shit and you didn't freak out." She tells me bumping elbows with me as I laugh harder.

"Where's his dad?" I ask as the school workers start setting up for the seniors.

"Don't know, don't care. He can suck my nonexistent dick." She tells me bluntly as his grandmother and her mom reaches over and pops her on the arm for her language.

"Excuse me, I don't know where he is because I'm only staying with him until Beau and you graduate and go off to school so that the cheating bastard can give me half his money. That and I'm clearing out his bank accounts buying everything I, Melissa, you or Beau may ever need. You know what that includes a brand new car I bought you for your graduation gift and Beau's brand new truck coming in next month. And all of the dorm items you may ever need. I found thongs in my laundry basket that don't belong to me and you wear those bikini looking things so I know they don't belong to you. So yes, he can suck it." She tells me as I high five her. I'm proud, after months she stepped up and now she's fighting for herself. But a car? She bought me a car? I just learned how to fully drive and that's because Beau taught me.

"Oh there he is." I mumble seeing him walk in as she sighs.

"That's my signal to go down and walk Beau onto the field. I'll be back soon, Grace watch my purse and when Mel shows up wave to her so she knows where to sit. I'm officially back on the market, how do I look?" She asks as I give her a thumbs up. She's not even divorced yet, but I love her willingness to take care of herself first.

"So hot" I tell her as she smiles.

"Wonderful, I'll go get me a football coach." She tells me moving off as she sees Beau's dad and walks right past him to the sidelines in her black dress and red pumps. She makes it onto the field and lines up with the parents before finding Beau and kissing his cheek. His dad takes the other side as the announcers start and she grins and waves like the beautiful supermodel she is.

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