you buried me alive

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Elegant, alluring, beautiful. Three words that has already described lisa, but today, wearing her couture  dress and her dark as midnight hair tucked in perfect bun with a bit of loose curls on the side, those three words were magnified to an entirely new definition.

Everything is perfect.

From her dress to her make up. From the shoot arrangements to the food served in the shoot.

From color motifs of pristine white and pastel pink to the sound system that will echo throughout the shoot. Everything is all set. Everyone is excited and joyful.

Except for lisa.

She is heartbroken. She is devastated. She is not joyful or excited.

The messages she received from the night before revealed that the woman she fell in love with, the only person she only committed herself to in a romantic relationship, was nothing but a cheating bitch.But who was she kidding?

Jennie was never hers.

The messages from this unknown person were proofs of unfaithfulness, and this very same person was the one her everything cheated on with.

But we were never together.
But we kissed.
But why I feel like I was cheated on???

Screenshots after screenshots of their explicit conversations, of their very suggestive exchange of words. A video of them laughing and cuddling together just like the way lisa and jennie did, a picture of them kissing just like the way lisa and jennie did on New year eve.

It hurt. So bad.

So bad she couldn't cry. She was betrayed so painfully, all she can feel is anger. She can feel her chest cracking on each rib, it's broken shards poking her tender heart like a needle to a squishy toy.

Two years.

Lisa realized she was in love with the  Jennie Kim.

She spent five years investing her time, her energy. She spent five years showing her genuine affections, her endless generosity. She spent five years loving jennie so blindly.

And five years led her to this moment.

The previous night was supposed to be a blast. A blissful farewell to singlehood. A blissful welcome to the love life. The previous night was supposed to end on a blissful drunken mess but it ended with excruciating heartbreak for her.

Finding out from the other person that you're Everything was, and still is, cheating on you, hurt so damn much. She was in so much emotional pain getting home along with her drunk wasted friends was a blur. They didn't even notice the abrupt change in her demeanor.

She didn't sleep, or even cried. She spent all night thinking what she did wrong, what she said wrong, what she didn't do or say, to make jennie cheat on her. Why would she do that to her? Her affair with that kai person only started ten months ago, and she can remember ten months ago they were happy, spending time dancing stupidly in their apartment making meals, feeding each other, cuddling each other all weekend.

How could jennie do this to her? How could she keep doing this to her?

The morning sun came up, reminding her what today was supposed to be, reminding her that reminiscing the past won't appease her aching heart. Reminding her that the person who was supposed to occupy the space next to her must be lying somewhere else, next to someone else. All the alcohol she consumed dissipated on its own from her system at the thought, and instead of feeling hope, she felt drained and empty.

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