“What do you think? Vest or no vest?” Lisa asked, standing in front of her open laptop and holding up a black vest.
“Hmm… How about just the vest, no shirt underneath?” Rosé, Lisa’s bestfriend, answered on the screen.
“Thanks chipmunk.” Lisa pulled off the shirt she was wearing and put on the vest in its place. “You know, choosing an outfit would be so much easier if you were here.”
Rośe was gone for two weeks in L.A. for her solo promotion.Lisa can't help but missed the latter.
“Really? I thought I was doing a pretty good job helping.”
“Oh, you are. But if you were here, I just wouldn’t be foolish.” Lisa smirked, catching sight of the blush that crept up her bestfriend’s cheeks.
“Is your mind always in the unnecessary things?” Rosé chastised.
“Not always, just frequently. Especially recently,” Lisa admitted. “I miss you.i don't have food buddy.”
“Awe, baby, I miss you too. But hey, I’ll be back in a few days.”
“Yeah, but that’s a long time.”
“I know, but I can’t do anything about it. You’re just gonna have to find something to take your mind off of things.”
“Duh. Why do you think I agreed to go to the club with my friends tonight? You know it’s not really my scene.”
“Well at least you aren’t moping around the house.” There was a pause while Lisa rummaged around in her closet for some shorts to wear. After a moment, she walked back into the frame.
“Speaking of things that have been on my mind, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” Lisa said slowly, not looking up at the laptop.
“Okay… should I be worried?” Rosé asked, noting her maknae’s nervous tone.
“No!” Lisa yelped, her head snapping up. Realizing how abrupt her outburst was, she sank into her desk chair and proceeded to tug on the ends of her shorts. “At least, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about… It’s about Niki.”
“Niki? Your friend Niki? The one who were crushing on you before we met?”
“Yeah, that Niki.”
“What about her?”
“Well, we were talking the other day and I sort of told her about how I used to like her… and then she told me that she has feelings for me,” Lisa blurted. There was a moment of silence.
“I thought you said she was straight,” Rosé finally said.
“She is. She thinks so anyway. That’s why I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and I wanted to tell you because we promised there’d be no secrets between us.”
“Do you want to be with her?”
“Not the way I want to be with my lover.”
“But you do want to be with her.”
“I don’t know. I guess I’m just curious about how exactly she feels about me. And, quite honestly, I could really use an outlet for all my sexual frustration.” Lisa cringed as the words came out of her mouth. “Wow, I probably sound like an awful person right now.”
“Not really. You just sound really horny.” Rosé laughed at the expression on Lisa’s face. “lis, it’s understandable to feel the way that you do. Besides, despite your sweet and innocent demeanor, I know firsthand how possessive and dominant you can be in these types of situations. You like knowing that you can extract certain reactions from other people. It satisfies you.”
“Thank you, Rosé, for analyzing my sex drive,” Lisa muttered, her face growing hot. Again, Rosé giggled.
“Look, if you really want to know just how far you can push Niki, I suggest you take tonight as an opportunity to do just that.”
“Wait, really? You don’t have a problem with that?”
“Lisa, I’ve seen Her. If I were there, I’d join pushed you in this endeavor. As long as she’s clear on the fact that this doesn’t mean anything in terms of your relationship with her, then I’m fine with it. But--” Rosé arched an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk on her face. “--I expect full details when I get back.”
“I’d gladly inform you.”
Three weeks of lisa's comeback from jeju changes every aspect of her old self.Lisa changes her moods like Moody pregnant women.She get to handle the situation pretty well.
She can handle the fact that life run with logic and practically.No body will wait for the "one" to give everything to you.
It's your life.you should demand your darkest desire because life is unpredictably.
Lisa now being very much open with the things she wanted in her life.soon around June she ve to debut as solo artist and the schedule was killing her mood.so she needs a release.
Maybe being with niki will lower her stress who knows?
In the other side of the apartment Jennie was hopelessly watching doraemon.She doesnot know why she was watching but atleast it made her calm unlike the blonde.yup lisa dyed her hair blonde again.
Lisa's changed aura was more upsetting than the old whipped lisa.This lisa was pissing off Jennie quite alot lately.
Jennie don't have a clue what was going in her life anymore.Lisa never talked to her outside the business anymore.whenever Jennie will sent a long ass text to lisa,she won't get any response.
She knows lisa did Not owe her anything but the word "unnie" was becoming most hated words for her.
She'll check her instagram here and there if she could get any response from lisa but nothing.
The other most upsetting thing was jenlisa shippers just messaged her and telling that they are stopping shipping them.
She only cried harder these days.her happiness and confident was gone with lisa now.
She still is very much homiphobic but she is now considering medical help for her problem.
Maybe Jennie could know what is wrong with her.

Control lili
Fanfiction"Baby why are you doing this to me? why are you hurting this much please speak." "No, we're not doing this anymore unnie." If you wanna know about the story please read kindly.