chaeyoung's secret

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We need to talk
You don't need to be awake for it i'm just gonna say what i need to say and leave you alone
I love you
I know i tell you all the time
But it's not that kind of love heh
And i understand if it's unrequited that's okay
But there's more
I've tried so long to just be friends and accept only being friends and i love being friends with you
But i watch you get hurt by all these girl over and over again
And i can't stand it
Seeing you hurt
And every time something new starts
I get so jealous and protective
And depressed
But i don't tell you because i know you're happy
But it's all ending the same
You keep getting hurt
And i can't take it anymore
I don't wanna create awkwardness between us for this but i had to say it
I hope nothing really changes

Ps- bae you're just so pure Nobody deserved you.
Even me 😢😢😧

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