Chapter 16: The Warden

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Enjolras' POV

"You're actually accepting our help?" I exclaim in surprise as the warden signals for the policemen to release us. I rub my wrists once I'm free and Musichetta sighs a big relieved sigh.

"Yes. I'm sick of working here in the dingy old prison; if I arrest Thénardier and the Patron Minette, my bosses might promote me!" he grins eagerly. We gather around the desk and the warden dismisses the guards. Obediently they nod and stalk off silently down the dark corridor. But before they leave, the warden utters a hushed warning to them; "Don't let him know."

Musichetta frowns shoots him a sharp look. "Don't let who know?" she demands.

"Inspector Javert. If he finds out that I'm dealing with you -" he raises his eyebrows to Éponine and she makes an offended noise, "- no offence - he'll more than likely sack me."

I nod briskly. "I understand. Let's get on with it, shall we?"

The officer pulls out a draw of his desk and rolls out a massive sheet of smooth, unmarked paper. As we formulate a plan to surprise the Patron Minette, I can't help but feel happy. I'm in my element; planning is my strength. Although our revolution failed, I still believe I organised it well. And at such short notice too, with Lamarque's unfortunate and unexpected death.

Around two hours later, the warden, called Etienne, begins to usher us out, stating that Inspector Javert will be coming to check on the jails. Before we leave however, he asks me a question I'd prefer not to answer.

"You've displayed some admirable skills, Monsieur Enjolras." Etienne compliments. "May I ask how you are able to make a plan so foolproof?"

Musichetta's eyes widen and I can see her clench her jaw so as not to gasp. Éponine gives me a look that clearly says don't say it.

"Uh... I-I suppose it comes to me naturally," I lie, shrugging my shoulders. It feels like sweat is pouring down my forehead and I start to twist my hands behind my back. Éponine cringes at my inhability to tell a successful lie.

"Well, I'm extremely impressed, Monsieur Enjolras." Etienne smiles, believing me. I'm only too happy to play along.

"Please, just call me Enjolras." I continue the needless banter, mentally heaving a massive sigh of relief.

"Of course. Now you should go, the inspector will be here any minute now." Etienne opens the door and glances alertly down the disturbingly quiet hallway. The coast is clear; no one but the snoozing inmates are in sight. He walks us out to the gates of the prison.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Officer," I shake his hand firmly, a tight-lipped smile across my face. Éponine and Musichetta bow a small curtsey each.

"Good night, Enjolras, Mademoiselles," Etienne nods. "Be safe, there are dangerous people about."

"Oh, don't worry, Monsiuer," Éponine winks."We know our way around."

A/N: Yes, I know, this is a very crappy chapter. I have no excuses, so I'm sorry guys :(

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