Chapter 7: A Long-Lost Brother

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Enjolras' POV

At the next revolution meeting, I decide to discuss when to hold our rebellion. Éponine is sitting quietly in the corner while I am in the centre of the debate.

Suddenly, Courfeyrac yells, "Listen, everybody!" All heads turn to him and little Gavroche speaks up from beside him.

"General Lamarque is dead!"

The room becomes silent and I tense. Lamarque is dead. The only person who would spare a thought to the poor of France has finally passed away from illness.

"Gavroche?" Éponine gasps and rushes over to the little boy. "Is it really you?"

"Éponine! I thought I would never see you again!" Gavroche exclaims, bounding into Éponine's outstretched arms. I catch Courfeyrac's eye and raise an eyebrow in question, but he merely shrugs.

"I didn't realise you two already knew each other," Courfeyrac starts cautiously, stealing the words from my mouth.

Gavroche looks up and grins at Courfeyrac. "Éponine is my sister!"

Éponine's POV

Gavroche and I snicker at Enjolras and Courfeyrac's obvious shock.

"But... how?!" Courfeyrac utters, the shock clear in his tone.

"Gavroche ran away from the Thénardiers years ago. I hadn't seen him since." I explain. Then my motherly instinct comes rushing out. "Gav, have you been alright? Have you been eating enough?" He shakes me off as I fuss over him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, 'Ponine! I've been living with Courfeyrac! He's like my older brother; it's really fun living with him!" my brother gushes to my relief. "How about you? Have you been alright? Are you still living with them?" My heart fills with joy and I know that little Gavroche hadn't changed a bit; he is still my caring, selfless little brother.

"No, I'm not. They kicked me out a while ago. But Thénardier still forces me to steal and whatnot." I say quietly. Gavroche pats my hand sympathetically.

"It's alright, Ép. You know, you should live with Courf and I. That would keep you out of trouble!" he suggests. I ruffle his hair affectionately.

"Actually... There's no need for that. I'm living with Enjolras." I inform him.

"Really?!" Gavroche jumps a metre in the air. "With the Marble Man?!"

"Yes, that's right." Enjolras comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong with Éponine living with me?"

Gavroche rolls his eyes. "Because you're the Marb- wait, is there something else going on here?" He freezes and narrows his eyes. Enjolras quickly takes his hand off my shoulder and the whole cafe is suddenly listening.

"Are you and Enjolras... together?!" Gavroche spits out. Joly starts to stifle his laughing and the Amis explodes in cheering and laughing in amazement.

"Jehan, you owe me twenty francs!" Courfeyrac hoots, shoving his friend.

Jehan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of dog-eared notes. "Here," he pushes it into Courfeyrac's hands, "you've won this bet, Courf!"

"SILENCE!" Enjolras roars above the noise. "I believe Gavroche had important information before this... ruckus happened!" The cafe goes quiet and they mutter their apologies.

"Gav, what did you say before?" Enjolras reminds him.

"Oh yeah. General Lamarque is dead!" Gavroche repeats.

Enjolras' POV

"That's it," I mutter under my breath. "Lamarque... his death is the sign we await!" I shout for the Amis to hear.

"Enjolras, what do you mean?" Combeferre wonders aloud.

"We start out rebellion on the funeral day of Lamarque. It's genius!" I explain excitedly.

"But Enjolras, the funeral is only in a couple of days!" Gavroche protests, tugging my sleeve.

"How will we get the weapons?"

"And ammunition?"

"What about furniture for the barricade?"

"Who will sew the rosettes?"

The questions are fired at me and I can barely hear myself think. "QUIET!" I bellow. "Listen; here is what we will do. Marius, Fueilly, Bahorel; take care of weapons and ammunition. Jehan, Legles, Grantaire; you buy as much old furniture as you can. Joly and Combeferre; get medical supplies and brush up on your first aid knowledge. I have a feeling there will be quite a few casualties." I instruct grimly. "Also Joly, can you get 'Chetta to make the rosettes?"

"Of course, but I think she will need an extra pair of hands." Joly starts. Éponine stands up.

"I'll help her," she vows. Joly grins his thanks.

"Gav, will you help Courfeyrac and I rally some supporters?" I kneel down to his level. The youngster nods enthusiastically.

"Alright. As long as we do what we are assigned, we'll be ready." I raise my fist and the Amis do the same.


A/N: Dedicated to my good friend @Everlastingazure. Happy Birthday, Mama Zhang! I know this doesn't measure up to what you gave me for my birthday, so don't shoot me. But thanks for being such an amusing person to spend time with, thanks for not taking my jokes too seriously, and thanks for the honest feedback and support you've given me on many things, including this story. Basically, thanks for putting up with my annoying self. Happy Birthday :)

Jasmini xox

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