Chapter 21: Forgiven

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Enjolras' POV

The sun is shining, giving the day an aura of happy warmth. The gentle breeze is strong enough to sweep up some of the falling brown leaves, making the park seem magical. It's the perfect time and place for our wedding.

"Enj!" I turn at the sound of my name; that soft gleeful voice was recognisable anywhere. I laugh as Éponine bounds up to me in her big white dress.

"Hello, Ép! Having fun socialising?" I chuckle, pulling her into my arms.

"Of course," she smiles. "Everyone is a delight to talk to!" She takes a short breath to say more, but a timid female voice interrupts her. A soft-spoken, familiar voice...



"I didn't know you were getting married." my mother says, clearly surprised.

"Mama... what are you doing here?" I question, embracing her, remembering how it felt to be held in my mother's arms again. I hadn't seen her ever since I left home, all those years ago.

"I came to tell you something. I couldn't find you at your apartment, so I wandered around until I came here. It's about your father."

"Oh, what does he want? Are you here on his behalf to convince me to come home?" I scoff, wrapping my arms around Éponine protectively.

My mother looks shocked. "Heavens, no!" she gasps. "It's something far, far from that."

"Then, what is it?" I sigh impatiently, tapping my foot. "You know I'm not on the best terms with Papa!"

"You know what, it can wait. I don't want to dampen your mood on your wedding day." she says dismissively.

"I'm sorry, Mama. Can you please tell me?"

My mother looks around nervously. "I can't tell you in front of all these people." She tilts her head towards Éponine tactfully.

"Hmm, I think I'm going to fetch myself another slice of cake," Éponine suddenly announces, clasping her hands together. My mother smiles gratefully, then as soon as Éponine is out of earshot, grips my arm urgently. She takes a deep breath.

"Your father passed away yesterday."

The words echo like thunder in my head. I don't believe it. Papa is dead. No, he can't be. I look down at my feet, hanging my head in masked sorrow.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this, dear." my mother apologises. "Are you alright? Your face has gone pale."

"I'm fine, Mama."

"Listen, he told me, on his deathbed, that he still loves you. He never stopped caring for you."

My head shoots up. "He did?"

"Indeed. Here, he wrote you something."

A folded piece of paper is thrust into my hands and with shaking fingers, I open it. The handwriting is messy and unjoined, but undoubtedly it's my father's.

To my dear son,

I know we haven't communicated since you ran away, and I understand if you're still angry at me. I don't blame you at all.

Only now I can see that the way I treated you was unfair of me, as your father and as your friend. I am ashamed to admit that I only realised this when suddenly, I didn't have enough time to redeem myself to you in person.

By the time you will have read this letter, I regret to say that my time here will have already passed. My disease is a merciless killer that finishes its work quickly. But I want you to know that I have forgiven you. And I hope you can forgive me too; only then will I be able to rest in peace.

I love you, my son. Even through my anger and confusion, I never stopped, for love is everslasting.

Your Papa

By the time I finish reading, the tears are running down my face like there's no tomorrow. All the pent-up anger is finally gone; only sadness and yearning is left. Yearning and regret that I couldn't share one last moment with my father. But I realise that I always did love him, down in the depths of my heart, over all the hatred I once felt. Clutching the letter to my chest, I look up to the heavens. Papa, I'm sorry for everything. And I forgive you.

A/N: Contrary to what I said before, THIS IS NOT THE EPILOGUE!!! There's a bit more to come, this story isn't finished yet ;)

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