Chapter 14: Sounds Like A Plan

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Éponine's POV

"Enjolras!" I exclaim as soon Musichetta bolts the door of her home safely behind us. I look at him in exasperation as he serenely sheds his coat and lays it on the couch. "Care to explain?"

"What do you mean, 'explain'?" Enjolras gives me a completely puzzled look, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Explain why you gave that uncaring, cruel thief money!"

"Because firstly, it looks like he could have caused a problem if I didn't, and secondly, he needs it more than I do."

I stare at Enjolras in shock. "That idiotic, uncaring thief doesn't deserve money!" I protest, flailing my arms out. "Do you know what he did to me?!"

I gasp at my words and clamp my hands over my mouth. I want to take it all back, but it's too late.

"'Did to you'?" Musichetta echoes questioningly. "Éponine, what did he do to you?"

For a moment, I consider lying and not telling them the truth. I am, after all, an accomplished lier. But after glancing at Enjolras, I realise I can't lie to him. Not when he's staring at me like that; serene, but still threatening with a hint of anger.

"M-Montparnasse-" I stammer. There's no easy way to say this. Before I can continue, Musichetta stands up.

"Would you like me to give you two a moment alone?" she asks, her eyes wide with worry and concern.

"Yes, please," Enjolras requests. She nods and I stare after her as she moves gracefully out of the room.

I look back at Enjolras. He's fixed me with such steely gaze and I know I can't lie to him.

"Thénardier, he's in charge of a gang called the Patron Minette. Montparnasse is part of it. And if I defied Thénardier, he would give them... permission to..." I drift off. Tears start to brim at the corners of my eyes as the horrible memories come out from the back of my mind. I can't say it. It's too traumatic for me to remember.

I close my eyes, clench my jaw and force the words out. "He gave them permission to... use me. Especially Montparnasse."

There. It's out in the open air now. The secret that I've kept for so long, the pain that I've hidden from everyone.

After a silence, Enjolras balls his hands into fists angrily. "How could they!" he roars angrily. Furiously. "They'll pay for what they did!"

"Please, Enjolras," I plead, wiping my eyes. "Don't do anything stupid. They're the Patron Minette, the most notorious gang in all of Paris and possibly France. Don't go looking for trouble; they're not worth it!"

I take his tense hands in mine and hold them tight until they unclench. He suddenly reaches up and strokes my cheek tenderly.

"They may not be worth it, Ép, but you are." he remarks, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Promise me you'll keep away from them, especially Montparnasse. I'm not going to let anyone do that to you."

I shrug, sniffing lamentfully. "It's Montparnasse we're talking about. He's everywhere and so is the Patron Minette; if they really want to, they'll find me."

"Dear Éponine," Enjolras sighs. He seems to call me that a lot, but it has nice ring to it. "You'll be safe with me."

He slips his arms around my waist and lets me cradle my head on his chest as I wait for the tears to stop completely. When I look up, Enjolras is staring at the wall, in a trance. I frown in confusion.

"Enjolras?" I wave my hand in front of his face and he blinks and looks back at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Ép, I've got an idea."

"Idea about what?"

"Saving Joly."

"And what is that?"

"Trade him for Thénardier."

My jaw drops open. "You're joking."

"No, I'm not!" Enjolras does indeed look serious. "Just listen to me. The thing is, we need a bait to lure Thénardier out. We'll ask the police to hide and be ready to arrest them; all we have to do is distract the Patron Minette!"

It sounds like a good plan, but many things could go wrong. "What bait do you have in mind?"

Enjolras bites his lip at this. "See, I don't know if this part will be fine with you." he admits. I suddenly realise what he's hinting at.

"Wait, you're not thinking of using me as the bait, are you?" I ask him slowly. He nods sheepishly.

"Never mind about it, Éponine. What they put you through was horrible; I can't let anything happen-"

"I'll do it."

Enjolras jumps back, my answer completely throwing him off. "You'll do it?" he echoes. "No, Ép, my idea's stupid. I can't let you risk getting hurt."

"It's okay, Enjolras. I'll be fine, I promise. I'll be careful. And Joly is your best friend; I know how much he means to you." I reassure him, laying my hands on the sides of his arms.

"But how will we get the police to work with us? You are - no offence - the Jondrette Girl, and I'm probably also on their wanted list for attempting to lead a revolution. We can't randomly show up to the jails, requesting their help, without getting ourselves arrested!" Enjolras holds out his hands in an exasperated manner to make his point.

"Easy. Trade in the whole Patron Minette!" I grin.

Unexpectedly, Musichetta appears at the doorway, making us both flinch. "Sounds like a plan!" she smiles.

AN: Sorry for the delay, everyone. I was on school camp and there was no reception. :(

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