Chapter 9: Into the Sewers

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Enjolras' POV

I punch the soldier with all my might, trying to knock him out. I barely know what I am doing; as long as it gets this stupid soldier off the barricade. I raise my fist to push him off, but before my knuckles make contact, I feel something push inside my torso.

My eyes widen and I gasp in pain. My body feels paralysed. I look down and to my horror, a bayonet has been plunged into my right side. Red liquid is seeping through my shirt and the soldier pulls the blade out, smirking nastily, making me hunch over in pain. My blood is still dripping from his bayonet as I stumble down what is left of the barricade. I collapse on the ground, breathing heavily; I can barely keep my eyes open.

"I'm sorry, Éponine," I whisper as the world around me flickers and the loud shouts and gunshots fade. The last thing I see is a slightly familiar face running towards me before I black out.

Éponine's POV

"NO!" I yell, running to Enjolras' side. The tears are like two waterfalls down my cheeks and there's that pain in my chest again. The rest of the world is a blur; all I can see is Enjolras, his face twisted in pain. Kneeling down beside him, I see his flawless features up close once more. Only now, gunpowder and blood stains his pale cheeks and his chiseled jaw.

Please Enjolras. Don't die on me. You can't. I need you more than ever.

Enjolras is doesn't stir when I shake him frantically, but I can still feel a slight pulse on his neck. Feverishly dragging him away from the battle, I hide behind the Cafe, a small distance away from the old man with Marius. Suddenly, he takes off, slinging Marius over his shoulder. I follow him to the sewers, and pulling Enjolras with me, slide down after him.

We land with a loud splash and I gag at the strong smell of waste. Taking a deep breath through the mouth, I lift up Enjolras, but the old man turns around and notices us.

"Who are you?" he questions sharply. He slowly walks over to me, taking a hunched defensive stance.

"Please, M'siuer, have mercy," I beg hurriedly, putting my hands up. "I just want to get Enjolras to safety. He is the leader of the revolution... and my beloved." The old man straightens and smiles gently.

"I am saving someone too. But not for myself; for my daughter Cosette. This is her beloved, Marius." the man explains. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, but hide my intial shock. Cosette sure has a doting father.

"Yes, I know Marius. We are friends." I say quietly.

"Isn't the world a remarkable place?!" the man chuckles slowly. "My name is Jean Valjean. Tell me, what is yours, mademoiselle?"

Before I can answer, we hear someone sloshing about through the sewage. "Someone's coming. Go hide." Valjean whispers. I silently rush to a dark corner and close my eyes, my breathing ragged. My heart is beating so hard I swear it will rip a hole in my chest.

"Here's a pretty little ring!" I hear a familiar voice. My eyes fly open and my jaw drops. I see my own father leaning over Marius. I almost jump in surprise but I compose myself before I reveal my hiding place.

Thénardier then leans over Valjean, who is pretending to be dead. Valjean jerks up and grabs his collar. My father reels back in surprise. "Oh, you're alive! I saved you," he lies. Valjean rolls his eyes and pushes Thénardier down into the sewage. He resurfaces, spluttering and gagging and complaining. I chuckle quietly behind my hand. Serves the old bastard right for beating me!

"How do I get out of here?" Valjean demands.

"It's that way! All the way down and to the left!" Thénardier shouts. Luckily, he disappears, hobbling down the opposite direction to find more victims to rob.

I emerge from my hiding place and check Enjolras. He is still knocked out, to my disappointment. Valjean lays a hand on my arm. "Let's go," he nods.

We continue on, speechless, but groaning and panting at the effort of carrying two fully-grown men whilst wading through the sewage. At one point, the sewage is up to our chins and I almost drown, but Valjean doesn't leave me behind. He helps me with Enjolras until finally, we find an opening. Valjean crawls out first, dragging Marius, and I follow, pushing Enjolras. When we are safely out, we both slump against the brick wall, exhausted. I sigh in relief and close my eyes.

Valjean lays Marius against the wall and checks his pulse. I do the same with Enjolras; thankfully, I can still feel a slight tremor underneath my dirty fingers.

"Mademoiselle..." I turn to Valjean. His wide fearful eyes are locked on a nearby stairway. "Run away. Take your beloved. Go, now!" he frantically whispers.

"What...?" I question, confused. I follow his gaze at the stairway and gasp. Waiting at the top is none other than Javert himself.

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