Chapter 2: The Promise

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Éponine's POV

It seems that I always have to escape. First from the Thénardiers, then from the pain of losing Marius to Cosette, then from Enjolras.

I had to leave, otherwise God knows what Enjolras would do. He could confront Thénardier and get me in more trouble, or tell everyone that Éponine is the infamous Jondrette Girl. Either way, I knew it would end badly for me, so I had to escape yet again.

After spending the night in the cold alleyway amongst discarded and rotting furniture, I bump into Marius a couple of days  later. I could tell he was still giddy from his encounter with Cosette.

"'Ponine! There you are. Where did you disappear to other night? I didn't get to tell you about Cosette!" Marius gushes. I roll my eyes and ignore how his words stab my heart. "No matter. I have a favour to ask of you. Will you come with me to the revolution meeting and meet my friends?"

"Must I?" I whine, half-jokingly, half-truly. I really don't want to be with Marius; I know that he is just going to go on and on about stupid Cosette.

"Yes, 'Ponine! You promised, remember?" Marius pleads. He grasps my hands and I feel myself go dizzy with bliss as I often do whenever we touch. I find myself falling in love with him all over again.

"Alright, I shall join you." I gave in, smiling.

We arrive at the Cafe in no time; when we enter, Marius is greeted with cheers and slaps on the back. They all grin at him knowingly and I am confused as to why. Suddenly, a man drunkenly reveals the reason.

"Look everybody, Marius has brought a girl here!" They all laugh and jeer jokingly as I feel my face go red.

"No, despite what it looks like and despite what you think, we are just friends." Marius confirms light-heartedly, not losing his poise. The pain in my chest comes back briefly and I feel tears threatening to overflow, but I maintain my composure.

Marius grabs my arm. "Éponine, this is Grantaire, Courfeyrac, Joly, Combeferre and Jehan. Boys, this is Éponine. You may know her as the Jondrette Girl, but I tell you, she is nothing like her reputation." They all chorus their hellos politely, except for the one named Grantaire, the drunk one. He wolf-whistles and I blush and look down at my feet.

"Don't mind Grantaire," Courfeyrac chuckes, "he is always so drunk he barely knows what he is doing!" They all laugh at this, even Grantaire himself.

As I am chatting to the boys, I hear Marius whisper to Joly.

"Joly, where's-" he is cut off.

"He is in the study room. Best not to disturb him; he might get annoyed. You know how he is when his studying is interrupted." Joly replies quickly.

"But I think he should meet Éponine. He should know everyone who supports his cause."

I pretend to hear my name only now and look up. "Marius? You mentioned my name?"

"Ah, yes. There is someone else I'd like you to meet. By the way, he may not seem very friendly, but that's just how he is. They don't call him the Marble Man for no reason!" He motions for me to follow him. We climb a flight of stairs and Marius knocks on a door.

"Come in!" That voice is slightly familiar... no, it couldn't possibly be-


Enjolras' POV


I never thought that I would see that beautiful face here, by Marius' side. But here she is, looking as shocked as I am. Marius is also astonished.

"You two know each other? Since when?" he asks, looking back and forth between us.

"We met a few days ago. I found Éponine in an alleyway, in a not-so-good condition, so I offered her a night at my place." I explain. "Éponine, why did you run away?" I direct this question to the brown-haired mademoiselle.

"Because... I knew that once you find out the truth about me, you would probably kick me out. I was just saving you the job." she retorts stubbornly.

"Don't assume that. I would have done no such thing!" This conversation is heating up and Marius can feel it.

"Erm... I'm going to leave you to your reunion, okay?" he chuckles nervously and backs out of the room.

"Ép, I'm not that type of person. I already told you, I know you're not your father's daughter." I continue once Marius is out of earshot.

Éponine sighs, looking at me with a sad smile. "But everybody else sees me that way. To many people, I am the cunning Jondrette girl, nothing more but a thieving vagabond. I'm glad I'm not that to you."

I notice a line of bruises on her arm and step closer to her. She quickly realises and holds her arm behind her, but I have already seen enough. "Did Thénardier do this to you?" I question, enraged.

"Yes," she sighs, "so what?" She tries to blow it off, but I staunchly refuse to let anyone treat her like this.

"Éponine, I trusted you to be safe last night, and keep out of his way. This can't happen to you, I swear no harm will come to you again." I promise solemnly.

"Whoa, since when were you that compassionate? Marius told me that you are nicknamed the Marble Man because you have no feelings." Éponine teases playfully. I am lost for words so I decide to tease back.

"Oh? Marius told you that?" I jest. "And I do have feelings, thank you very much!"

"Okay, whatever you say!" she laughs. "But seriously, Enjolras, why the sudden pity?"

"It is not pity, it is simply... kindness, I suppose. But I don't know why I am doing this either. Call it instinct or whatever you want, but I feel a weird, um, attraction to you." I turn bright red as I realise what I have just said. "Not that type of attraction, wait. I'm not saying that you aren't aatractive; you are, but I just don't... ugh, you know what I mean." I put my hands over my face. This is mortifying.

Éponine pulls my hands away from my red face, a smile on her lips. "I know what you mean, it's alright. And besides, I'm not attractive. Remember what I told you last night? When you found me in the alleyway?"

"What did you- oh right, I remember now. I meant to ask, who  was stupid enough to break your heart?"

"Can't you guess?" Éponine smiles sadly.

"Wait... you're not talking about Marius, are you?" I hope that that's not it, but somehow I already know. "How could Pontmercy do that to you?" I snarl.

"Please, don't get angry. Don't fight because of me. He did no wrong. It was my mistake of thinking that he could ever love a street rat like me." A shiny tear slips down her muddy face. I pull her into a hug and she sobs into my red coat, just like before.

"Ép, it's alright, don't cry. I'm here now." I whisper into her hair. I feel her muscles relax and she nods.

"Also, Éponine, I don't want you to live on the streets anymore. It is far too easy for Thénardier to find you." I tell her.

"I don't have a choice. Where can I go?" she asks sorrowfully, looking up at me.

"You can live with me."

Éponine's POV

"Are you sure?" I ask, still pressed up against Enjolras' chest.

"Positive. Do you accept?" he replies.

"Okay. I accept." I finally hug him back. "Thank you so much for doing this for me. But we'll have to avoid Thénardier, if he finds out, it will be the end for both of us. I'm serious, he will probably murder you and sell me again if he learns of this." I inform him seriously.

"It's alright, we'll be fine." Enjolras smiles. "I promise Ép, I'll protect you and care for you." he says fiercely. I can't keep myself from giggling.

"What are you laughing about?"

"You sound so romantic. It's quite poetic, actually."

I laugh even louder as Enjolras' face turn as red as his jacket. 

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