Chapter 11: A Marriage Proposal

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Éponine's POV


My heart is in my mouth and I feel like I can't breathe. Musichetta buries her face in her hands and her whole bodies quakes with sobs. I sit down on the couch to comfort her, but I know I can't do much. My best friend is still trembling in my arms and I'm almost on the verge of crying myself. But I have to put on a strong exterior for Musichetta's sake.

"Is there a certain time he has to serve?" Enjolras mutters, feverishly raking a hand through his unruly golden curls.

"I don't know. But I heard that he will most likely be -" she lifts her head and stares at us with big worried eyes. "- executed."

"No!" I gasp. "That can't happen; we have to get him out!" I take her hands in mine and that's when I feel something hard and smooth on her finger. It feels like-

"'Chetta, is that a ring?!" I hold up her left hand and there on her ring finger, glinting softly in the evening sunlight, is a stunning diamond ring. Enjolras rushes forwards and we both examine the precious metal, to Musichetta's slight amusement.

"Yes, that's a ring. Joly proposed to me." she giggled softly, drawing a gasp from both Enjolras and I.

"Congratulations, 'Chetta!" Enjolras smiles warmly.

"When did he ask you?" I question excitedly.

"Right before he left for Lamarque's funeral. He said he'd marry me 'when he came back'." Musichetta's smile fades quickly. "But he hasn't come back. I don't even know if I'll ever see Joly again." A tear slips down Musichetta's cheek and I hold her close.

"Forgive me," I whisper. "I didn't mean to make you cry again. I'm sorry, I really am."

"It's okay, Ép." Musichetta says sadly. "By the way, I heard that the rebellion was a massacre. How did you make it out alive?" She directs the last question to Enjolras.

"Éponine saved me." Enjolras' eyes shine with pride. "I was stabbed by a soldier and I passed out, but Ép carried me through the sewers and to the hospital. I owe my life to her."

"Oh, how brave of you, Ép!" Musichetta sighs happily, ever the hopeless romantic.

We all laugh at that, and I relish the fleeting moment when we briefly forget all our troubles.

Enjolras' POV

After dressing into a soft nightshirt for the night, I slowly ease myself onto the bed and under the blanket, my wound stinging slightly. Finally comfortable, I lie on my back, waiting for Éponine.

Earlier, the two mademoiselles had gone back to my apartment to collect some clothing, money and other essentials, as I couldn't climb through the window in my weakened state. Musichetta had agreed to let Éponine and I lodge here until I could actually get back into my flat myself.

The door slowly creaks open and Éponine slips quietly into the room, returning from the living room where she and Musichetta had been talking.

"How is Musichetta faring?" I ask, concerned. I feel so guilty for what has happened to Joly.

"Alright, I suppose," Éponine sighs, climbing into bed beside me. Musichetta had kindly let us sleep in her and Joly's bed, instead spending the night on the couch. "She's very brave for someone in a situation like that. I don't know what I'd do if you were in jail."

I put my arm around Éponine and she rests her head on my shoulder. Her smooth brown hair flows out behind her, looking much nicer and healthier than when I first saw her in that alleyway.

"I can't imagine the heartbreak and pain 'Chetta must be in right now," Éponine mumbles, fiddling with a button on my nightshirt. "Her fiance - the man she has promised to marry - is in prison to be executed. We have to free Joly!"

"I know, Ép. I miss Joly too, he's my best friend." I sigh, biting my lip. "I just feel so guilty; I'm the one that came up with the stupid idea of a revolution. I'm the one that risked all my friends' lives. And I'm the one that landed Joly in this mess."

Tears threaten to brim at my eyes as I try to accept the horrible outcome of my impulsive actions. I feel like beating myself up; how could I have been so careless?

Éponine seems to know what I'm thinking. "Enjolras, don't be so hard on yourself." she says softly but still in a firm tone of voice. "You didn't endanger your friends anymore than you endangered yourself. They knew the possible consequences as well as you did but they still supported you every step of the way. It was mere chance that you survived."

I exhale a long shaky breath. There's nothing I can do except free Joly from prison. I lean down and kiss the top of Éponine's head, slowly running my fingers through her soft dark tresses.

"It's not mere chance that I'm alive; it's mere chance that I fell in love with a girl brave enough to do what you did." I say dotingly, causing Éponine to redden slightly. "I owe you my life, Ép, and I don't know how I can ever repay you."

"You already have. You gave me your love and everything else you had to give. You're the reason I wake up everyday. Nobody's ever done that for me before, so thank you." she whispers, her eyelids drooping slightly.

I blissfully smile at the thought of making someone's life brighter and how perfect we are for each other.

"You're welcome, dear Éponine." I yawn, also feeling tired. "Good night, love."

"Good night Enj."

She presses a quick kiss to my cheek before falling asleep in my arms. And it's not long until I let the wave of sleep wash over me too.

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