Chapter 19: Another Marriage Proposal

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Éponine's POV

"Musichetta!" Joly calls urgently, opening the door to his flat. There's a loud thump that sounds like a book being dropped.

"Joly?" She appears from the living the room, her eyes wide open. She gasps and her hands fly to her mouth."Joly!"

"'Chetta, my darling," he breathes. He goes to her, sweeping her into his arms, and effortlessly lifts her off the ground and spins her around and around. Her light brown locks fly out behind her and they fall into a longing embrace.

"Want to give them some privacy?" I whisper in Enjolras' ear. He nods gratefully and we sneak quietly into Musichetta and Joly's dimly lit room.

"Éponine, I've been thinking," he tells me once we get there.

"What is it?" I start to fiddle with my necklace. It never fails to remind me of how lucky I am to have Enjolras.

"What if you change your identity?" he suggests, sitting on the bed. "You could permanently escape the authorites."

"But how will I do that?" I wonder, perplexed. "What do you have in mind?" The mattress dips as I join Enjolras, leaning on his shoulder.

"Perhaps you could change your last name," he says.

"And how would I do that legally?"

He hesitates before answering.

"Well... you could take my last name."

Is he really suggesting what I think he is? "Enj, are you saying that I should... marry you?" I turn to him in surprise. His face is flushed red, as red as his favourite coat.

"Y-yes, I suppose I am." he stutters, nervously raking his hand through his curls. "But don't worry about it, I know it's rather early to talk about tha-"

I silence him with a gentle kiss. I can sense the astonishment on his lips, but he kisses me back anyway.

"It's not early at all," I reassure him, pulling away. "I know it's only been a few weeks, but I'd happily be your wife."

Enjolras looks like a great burden has been taken off his shoulders. "So... we're going to get married?" he laughs, putting an arm around me. I giggle and hug his torso.

"Yes, I guess we will."

Then I think of something that will make him squirm. "But wait, you have to ask me properly!"

"What do you mean?" He shifts his body to give me a puzzled look.

"Get down on one knee and ask me properly!" I repeat, trying to stop giggling at his pleading expression.

"You're joking! That's so embarrassing. Do I have to?" he whines.

"I've always wanted to be asked like that, ever since I was young! Please, Enj? For me?" I say innocently, batting my eyelashes for good measure.

Enjolras pauses to consider his options. "Fine!" I clap with delight as he lifts himself off the bed and to his feet.

He slowly gets down onto one knee and takes both my hands in his. My heart starts beating hard, even though I already know what's going to happen. Enjolras awkwardly takes a deep breath.

"My dear Éponine," he says sincerely. "You are my saviour and my soulmate. Giving you my love is one of the best things I've ever done, and I don't ever want to stop loving you. Éponine, will you marry me?"

Deciding to tease him, I stop and pretend to think a short moment. "Hmm... well, actually..."

"Éponine!" Enjolras sighs exasperatedly and we both burst out laughing.

"Yes, Enjolras, of course I will marry you!"

I pull him to his feet and throw my arms around his neck. He leans forward and kisses me, passionately and lovingly. His hold is tight around my waist and shoulders and I feel so safe and calm in his embrace. I hide my face in his muscular chest, breathing in his scent.

"Thank you, Enjolras," I mumble against him.

"For what?" he questions, the sound vibrating from his body.

I look up at him and open my mouth to specify what exactly it is I'm thankful for, but I can't. There's too much to list. So I decide to go with one simple word.


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