Chapter 4: The Makeover

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Enjolras' POV

I wake up the next morning and find that I am trapped underneath a sleeping Éponine. Her long brown hair flows over her shoulder and her arms are wrapped around my waist. With an amused smile on my lips, I try and get off the couch without stirring her, but it is like she knows I am trying to escape. To thwart me, she tightens her grip on my waist and snuggles into my shoulder. I have no choice but to wake her.

"Éponine," I whisper in her ear. "Ép, wake up!" She opens her eyes and squints at me sleepily.

"Hmm?" she mumbles. "What is it?" She lifts her head and pushes her hair out of her face, still half-asleep.

"I need to go and do some last-minute speech-writing. Today I am meeting up with the boys again; I have some news for them." I explain. "I can't get up unless you let go of me."

"Oh, right!" Éponine blushes. Well, she's definitely awake now. "Sorry about that, I didn't realise..." she falters. She releases me from her arms. "Ahem, never mind." I can tell that she is embarrassed from the way she fiddles with the hem of her blouse. I go into the kitchen to retrieve some food for my growling stomach.

Éponine's POV

I put my hands to my cheeks, feeling the blood going away. Hopefully I do not look so embarrassed anymore. Well, that wasn't humiliating at all!

I stand up from the couch, pulling the blanket with me. I hoist it onto my shoulders and wrap it around my thin body like a shawl or cape. Relishing the warmth, I sit at the table. Enjolras returns with some bread and fruit.

"So, I was thinking that this weekend, when I have no classes at the university, we could visit Joly's girlfriend, Musichetta." he suggests, biting into his apple.


"Well, you're in need of a new dress and I figured that Musichetta would be better at picking one out than me." he explains matter-of-factly. He cares this much? Maybe he does have feelings for me! I mentally kick myself. Stop thinking that, Eponine! Just because I like him doesn't mean he'll like me back! Look what happened with Marius; didn't you learn your lesson?!

"A new dress? No, no, that won't be necessary. What I'm in now is fine!" I look down at my blouse and skirt and I can see that they are anything but fine. My white blouse is hardly white anymore; it is stained with dirt and blood. My green skirt is ripped and brown with mud. I look back up at Enjolras and he is giving me an Oh, really? look.

"Seriously, I can't watch you walk around in that. We're going to buy you a new dress, even if I have to force you in it myself." Enjolras promises sincerely. "And a warm coat too, winter is coming and you're going to freeze. In the meantime, you can wear one of my coats."

"Really, Enjolras? I can't thank you enough!" I smile gratefully at him. It has been so long since I've had new clothes.

The weekend arrives and when Enjolras and I are chatting idly and drinking some tea, we hear a loud knock at the door. Enjolras excuses himself and goes to answer it. I wait - a little impatiently - for him to return; I was quite enjoying spending time with him. His classes always took up so much of his time during the day. He comes back into the room with Joly at his side.

"Remember that shopping trip?" Enjolras remarks, a big grin on his face.

After a short walk, we arrive at Joly's apartment. He opens the door and it is opened by a beaming young woman, a few years older than me.

"Ah! This must be Éponine!" is the first thing she says. "I'm Musichetta, Joly's girlfriend. It's so nice to meet you!" She grins widely, a radiant smile, and takes my hand. "So, you are in need of a new dress?"

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