Chapter 10: The Recovery

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Éponine's POV

Javert is sinisterly glaring down at us, his arms folded on his creaseless jacket. I don't know about Valjean, but I definitely don't want to plead with the law after all that my parents have forced me to do; all the crimes that Javert knows I comitted. But I am frozen in fear. I can't move. Hopefully the heartless policeman won't recogise the Jondrette Girl through all the sewage plastered on me.

"It's you, Javert, I knew you wouldn't wait too long," Valjean pants, out of breath. He gestures to the two unconscious revolutionaries. "Please, these men have done no wrong. They need a doctor's care!"

"I told you I would not give in!" Javert warns, his teeth gritted. He is not convinced.

"Please Javert, have mercy. They're standing in their grave!" Valjean pleads tiredly.

A rare look of anguish and indecision washes over Javert's usually emotionless face. I wait nervously with baited breath, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Very well," he mumbles reluctantly. He dutifully steps aside for Valjean to carry Marius through and even helps me with Enjolras, giving me nothing more than a suspicious glance. I can scarcely believe that I had just walked past Javert without him arresting me.

When Javert finally stalks off, Valjean touches my arm. "Now, the nearest hospital is that way. I'm afraid I cannot accompany you there; I must take Marius to his grandfather's home."

I feel my heart sink. "But, Monsiuer, I don't know if I can do it alone!"

"Have faith. You've brough him this far; you can bring him to the hospital." Valjean smiles reassuringly. "Do not give up now, Mademoiselle!"

"Éponine," I correct him softly. "I didn't get to tell you my name. It's Éponine."

"It was nice meeting you, Éponine. I have a feeling we'll see each other again."

"Goodbye, Monsieur Valjean. Thank you for everything."

"Farewell and good luck, Éponine."

Enjolras' POV

My eyes slowly blink open. I am in a soft bed, under a thick warm blanket. The dimly lit room is strangely comforting and I feel safe, although I have no idea where I am. The last thing I remember is being stabbed by the National Guard at the barricade. How did I end up here? Did I die? Is this heaven?

Pain courses through my side as I sit up. Perhaps I'm still alive. I glance around wearily and there, slumped in a chair at the end of my bed, is a sleeping Éponine. Her frail arms rest on the mattress, cushioning her head, and her tangled brown locks are spread over her back and shoulders.

"Dear Lord, what is she doing here?!" I mutter. "Éponine?"

She doesn't stir. "Éponine!" I call a little louder. To my relief, she groggily lifts her head up and flicks her hair out of her face.

"Enjolras!" She quickly gets up and sits on the side of my bed. "Thank God, I was so worried."

"Ép, where are we?" I ask, reaching out to hold her hand.

"In hospital. You were stabbed by a soldier and the blade went right through you and out to the other side. Luckily, the doctor said it didn't penetrate any vital organs or give you any infections, so you'll be okay." Éponine smiles down sadly at me.

Another question is bugging me from the back of my mind, but I'm almost too afraid to ask it. I take a deep breath and the words tumble out of my mouth before I can change my mind. "Who of the Amis is still alive?"

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